Maritime Administration News Release

News Release #: MARAD 10.25.11
Date: Oct 25 2011
Contact: Cheron Victoria Wicker
Contact Phone: 202-366-4105

MARAD Hosts Anti-Piracy Roundtable with Philippine Maritime Officials

From left to right: MARAD Administrator David Matsuda, Capt.  Pancracio O. Alfonso (Ret) - Marine Faculty, Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific, Ambassador Jose L. Cuisia, Jr -- Philippine Embassy, DOT Secretary Ray LaHood, Capt. Abelardo Pacheco - Ex-hostage, Midshipman First Class Joseph Mario M. Navasero - Maritime Cadet
DATE OF PHOTO: October 20, 2011

On Thursday, October 20, a joint US/Philippines Roundtable was held at the U.S. Department of Transportation Headquarters. The workshop and panel presentations concluded a week-long pilot anti-piracy training and education orientation program in the United States for three Filipino nationals, representing cadets, faculty and seafarers, including a former hostage. The workshop brought together representatives from governments, maritime labor, industry, and international organizations focused on incorporating piracy into mariner education and training curriculums.

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