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2011 Seminar Series

The seminar series provides a forum for knowledge sharing and to explore a range of development topics, innovative approaches, and diverse experiences among USAID and the development community.

The seminars will take place on the following Wednesdays in July and August from 9:30am-11:00am at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC.

  • July 6: Global Trends in Science and Technology: What’s Ahead?
    The complexity of emerging global development issues and the speed at which they happen demonstrates the need to stay ahead of the curve, in order to harness the next generation of innovations to improve the lives and livelihoods of people in developing countries. This presentation will highlight how today's science and technology tools are making a difference to solve challenges in health, energy, environment, and disease prevention, as well as looking ahead to preview cutting edge tools that have the potential to make even greater contributions to development progress.
    Alexander Dehgan, Director, Science & Technology Office, USAID
    Krista Donaldson, Chief Executive Officer, D-Rev
    Salim Ismail, Executive Director, Singularity University

  • July 13: A Greener Revolution: Improving Productivity and Increasing Food Security by Enhancing Ecosystem Services
    For decades, agricultural scientists and fisheries experts have been working with farming and fishing communities to minimize environmental impacts and develop technologies and practices that increase productivity while sustaining or improving ecosystem function over the long term. This seminar addresses the challenge of feeding a growing global population while maintaining the natural resource base upon which food production ultimately depends: water quality, soil fertility, pollination, pest control among other essential services. The seminar will feature experiences with integrated agriculture and environment programming and their ideas for scaling up innovative approaches to meet the food security challenge.
    Sara Scherr, President, Ecoagriculture Partners
    James L. Anderson, Fisheries & Aquaculture Adviser, Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD), The World Bank
    Joyce Turk, Animal Scientist, Bureau for Food Security, USAID - Ecosystem Management and Lifestock presentation slides (PDF-2MB)
    Moderator: Chris Kosnik, Leader, Land Resources Management Team, USAID

  • July 20: Working in Complex Environment: What we know and what we hope to learn
    The US Government is finding itself working in complex and chaotic environments such as those afflicted by political crises and manmade or natural disasters. Working in such places poses challenges to the standing policies at USAID for program design, implementation and evaluation. USAID is pioneering several tools for such environments that aim to bring into focus programmatic relevance from the micro to macro level, and to heighten our ability to anticipate the unexpected. The purpose of this presentation will be to showcase the Agency’s current exploration of new tools for working effectively in complex transition environments.
    Eleanor Bedford, Team Leaders for the Applied Best Practices and Coordination Team, Office of Transition Initiatives, USAID
    Christine Gottschalk, Team Leader for the Afghanistan-Pakistan Team, Office of Transition Initiatives, USAID
    Christopher La Fargue, Special Projects Officer, Office of Transition Initiatives, USAID

  • July 27: Business & Human Rights: Emerging Issue on the Development Horizon
    Virtually everyone around the world is touched by business activity related to human rights. Recent UN endorsement of the Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights: Protect, Respect, and Remedy Framework provides an excellent occasion for colloquy and conversation surrounding opportunities, challenges, and emerging issues on the Business and Human Rights landscape.Special attention will be given to ways to monitor relationships, fiscal responsibility, character, and integrity related to Business and Human Rights.
    Chris Avery, Director, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
    Mauricio Lazala, Deputy Director, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
    Bennett Freeman, Senior Vice President, Sustainability Research & Policy, Calvert Investments
    Christina del Castillo, Anticorruption Advisor, Center for Democracy, Human Rights and Governance, USAID
    Melike Yetken, Division Chief, Business & Human Rights, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor, U.S. Department of State
    Moderator: Vivienne J. Wildes, PhD, Ben Franklin Fellow, Office of Development Partners, USAID, Professor, Pennsylvania State University

  • August 3: Geospatial Information Systems: More than Making Maps, it’s about ‘thinking spatially’
    ‘Thinking spatially’ is quickly emerging as the next core competency for development professionals. This interactive seminar will introduce the Agency’s newest geospatial resource, the Bureau of Policy, Planning, and Learning (PPL) GeoCenter. Staff from the GeoCenter will provide examples of the power of geospatial thinking as a tool for doing development differently and will illustrate examples of using maps in a crisis, mapping Mission activities, relating USAID activities to other organization activities, and using spatial analysis to help decision makers plan future activities.
    Patrick Gault, GIS Analyst, USAID
    Shadrock Roberts, GIS Analyst, USAID
    Demian Rybock, GIS Analyst, USAID
    Carrie Stokes, Geospatial Information Technology Advisor, USAID


Previous USAID Summer Seminars

Notes, Q&A transcripts, handouts, and slides from previous USAID Summer Seminar are available for the following years: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003.

How to Contact Us

Any questions concerning the Summer Seminars should be directed to the Summer Seminar Planning Team at


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