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To celebrate 100 years of achievement, the Children’s Bureau is launching a variety of centennial activities and events. These activities will not only recognize the important work that has been done in the past, but also help strengthen a common focus in moving the child welfare field forward.

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The Children’s Bureau sponsors conferences and meetings to create dialogue among professionals dedicated to the well-being of children and families. This centennial year offers special opportunities to reflect on lessons learned from the past and prepare for future challenges. Learn More
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Through thought-provoking discussions, these webinars will present the historical evolution of Children’s Bureau programs and explore critical topics that shape the child welfare field today. Learn More
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Voices to Vision Workgroups
The Children’s Bureau is holding workgroups of child welfare professionals—including those that work with Tribes and practitioners from related fields, youth, and family members to discuss trends, innovations, and a vision for the field’s future. This voices-to-vision process of stakeholder engagement will culminate in the creation of a 2nd Century Document that lays out ideas and strategies for enhancing the child welfare system over the next century.

The Story of the Children's Bureau

The Story of the Children's Bureau Snapshot

Explore an engaging “then” and “now” look at the Children’s Bureau’s history of collaboration, research, assistance to States and Tribes, public awareness campaigns, and more.

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