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Going Green

Ride Your Bike to Work Day… Everyday!!!

By Craig Gerard

There are many advantages to riding a bicycle to work in Phnom Penh. First (and best) of all, it is faster. A bike will allow you to ride along the side of traffic instead of waiting in those long lines. Second, it is a great way to get some exercise. In a month where we are trying to be healthy (see cover story), a few days a week of riding your bike may be just what you need to steer your body into shape. Biking is also economical. Not only do you save money on gas, you also save wear and tear on your car, something that can be quite substantial with the potholes of Phnom Penh. Fourth, if more people rode to work, more parking spaces would open up. And finally, it is good for the environment. Riding your bike to work every day reduces your carbon footprint, uses less fossil fuels and puts zero exhaust into the air. For those looking to pick up a new or used bike, there are plenty of cheap bikes for sale just south of Orrusey Market, on Street 182, Street 107, or Street Ohkna Nou Kan. So leave that SUV at home a few days a week and join us for a ride. Not only will you be doing yourself and the city a favor, you’ll also be helping Mother Nature. This is a win‐win.