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Going Green

Green Gifts

It is always hard to find that perfect gift to give someone, especially if you live overseas. When you are stuck, sometimes the best gifts are those that are made by you. It takes a little more effort, and a little more creativity, but it sends a stronger message to that someone special.

Green gifts you make yourself can save you quite a bit of green. Take a look around the house, go through the kitchen cupboards, the arts and crafts closet, search through the clothes to be given away, and start pulling recyclables out of the garbage. You would be surprised what you can make with landfill items.

Here are a few great green gift ideas that you can make at home, with friends, family, or on your own.

  • Food is always the best. Who doesn’t like a nice home cooked meal or some yummy treats. Make them from scratch though….no cheating and buying the prepared mixes (then you have the throw‐away boxes to deal with): Infused alcohols, oils, and vinegars – use recycled bottles and gift‐wrapping from around the house (old fabric or newspapers), Homemade hot sauce or chocolate sauce, Homemade mixed spices
  • Potpourri – take a walk outside and grab leaves, flowers, seeds, etc. Throw them in a recycled jar, sprinkle some essential oils, and tie some ribbon around it.
  • Potted plants
  • Trivet – Get a used wooden frame and fill in the middle with wine corks. Perfect for keeping those GSO tables spotless from hot plates.
  • Homemade organic body lotions or cleansing creams and scrubs.
    Use a recycled bottle to put it in and decorate it with a homemade label. That always adds a nice touch.
  • Make reusable grocery bags out of old clothing or fabric.
  • Make your own paper out of recycled paper, herbs, and flowers. Just Google “How to make paper” and there are lots of homemade videos to choose from.

Gifts that kids can make:

  • A coupon book of chores they will do (without complaint) for mom and dad
  • Macaroni necklaces – who doesn’t love one of these
  • Picture frames (two different kinds):
    Cloth, cardboard, and glue
    Popsicle sticks, cardboard, construction paper, and glue
  • Or combine all these gifts together into a homemade gift basket.