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December 2, 2011

What We’re Watching: 12/2/11

Posted by: Rachel Racusen, Director, Public Affairs

At the end of each week, we post a "What We’re Watching" blog as we look ahead to the weekend and recap events from the week. We encourage you to share it with your friends and family, and have a safe weekend.

Weather Outlook
This weekend, the National Weather Service predicts strong winds to continue in the Southwest. Below average temperatures are expected to continue in the Pacific Northwest, Northern Plains, and parts of the South throughout the weekend.

Heavy rains are expected for parts of the Southern Plains, Mid-Atlantic, and East Central regions with heavy coastal rains and inland snow across Southern Alaska. Additionally, flooding is expected across the Upper Great Lakes and Northern Ohio Valley. Severe drought weather will continue throughout Central and Southern Great Plains, and throughout parts of the South.

Visit the new for tips on preparing your home and family for severe weather, heavy rain and floods, and wildfire conditions.

Holiday Shopping Gift Ideas
As you continue your holiday shopping this weekend and try to think of new and creative gift ideas for family and friends, we encourage you to give the gift of preparedness. Instead of buying your uncle another red tie or favorite cousin a paper weight, why not buy a more practical gift that may come in handy in an emergency - like a flashlight or hand-crank radio with extra batteries? They will definitely thank you when the power goes out and they need to put the flashlight or radio to good use.

Here's a video to help get you in the "gift of preparedness" giving mood this holiday season:

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