AIDS 2012: On the Path Towards an AIDS-free Generation

Hillary ClintonIn her November 2011 speech at the National Institutes of Health, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke of an historic opportunity at hand: to achieve the goal of an AIDS-free generation. On World AIDS Day President Obama further underscored that we are at a pivotal moment in the response to the epidemic, with new scientific developments allowing us, for the first time, to envision a world free of AIDS.

Here in the U.S., the vision and goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy align with such efforts. As Secretary Sebelius recently stated, “Going forward, we have an enormous opportunity, to build on this momentum and to make good on the vision of an AIDS-free generation.”

Together, we can all work to support an AIDS-free generation.



  1. Ángel Vásquez says:

    Hi : giving Thank’s to god for giving me confirmation in the words of the leaders of my country . mister president and secretary of state . Being that I’ve been living with HIV for 15years and a member of the ema of San Juan for 4 year’s . Being involve in the community . I have founded a association called Association united for the health of Puerto Rico in march 27 2012 . it was finally establish knowing the need for education and knowing That i am not alone in the work we all need to do . asking for help with the tools that I need as fonder of the association and letting my government know that in Puerto Rico there is a community of HIV that has begun to help in the world goal to make a generation free of HIV aids.

  2. David Shamer says:

    An AIDs free generation. I pray that we are working hard enough.

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