Improving the Quality of Health Services for the Haitian People


Last week, I was proud to take part in a joint mission to Haiti with leaders from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund), including Mark Edington, its Head of Country Programs. We signed a Partnership Framework to support Haiti’s Health Strategy, which you can read about in this post. We…

AIDS 2012: Key Lessons from a Decade of Action on Global AIDS, and the Way Forward

Ambassador Goosby Video

The XIX International AIDS Conference , known as AIDS 2012, will take place July 22-27, 2012 in Washington, DC. Anticipating the conference, yesterday I spoke at the Brookings Institution on some of the lessons learned from the first decade of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) that can inform future efforts on AIDS…

SAMHSA Seeking Applications for $131.5 Million for Activities that Advance the National HIV/AIDS Strategy through Behavioral Health


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) recently released funding announcements for two programs whose purposes are closely aligned with the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. “Substance abuse and HIV/AIDS are often interrelated issues and must be addressed in comprehensive ways,” said Gretchen Stiers, Ph.D., Director, Division of Policy Coordination in SAMHSA’s Office of Policy,…

Puentes Entre Vecinos: Increasing Knowledge, Dialogue and Representation of Latino/Hispanic and Caribbean Leaders at AIDS 2012


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Francisco Ruiz

In less than a month, the world will come to the nation’s capital to discuss the latest scientific advances from around the world and to develop strategies for advancing all facets of our collective efforts to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) returns to the United States. And numerous Latino/Hispanic…

Use Mobile Phones to Improve—Not Risk—Your Health

Lygeia Ricciardi

Do you text and drive? I know, it’s tempting: you’re stuck in traffic and you instinctively reach for your cell phone to send a text saying you’re running late, or maybe just check your email, or make a quick call before the light changes…. But the impact can be deadly: nearly 10% of all road…

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