Erin Lindsay

Deputy Director of Online Engagement for the Office of Digital Strategy, The White House 

The White House Honors World AIDS Day 2012


Cross-posted from White House Blog Today, December 1, 2012 is World AIDS Day. Every year on this day,  the world comes together to stand with people affected by HIV/AIDS, to remember those we have lost and to renew our commitment to ending the pandemic once and for all. Last year on World AIDS Day, President Obama announced ambitious new targets in…

White House Office Hours: World AIDS Day 2012

The White House

Cross-posted from the White House blog. Last year, on World AIDS Day, President Obama announced ambitious new targets in the global fight against HIV/AIDS, and on the domestic front focused on investment to support the first comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy to fight the epidemic here at home. In the President’s speech that day he said: “we…

White House Office Hours: Combatting the Spread of HIV/AIDS Among Women and Girls

There are approximately 1.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States, including more than 290,000 women.  Black and Hispanic  women account for nearly three-quarters of new HIV infections among women.  In July 2010, President Obama launched the first National HIV/AIDS Strategy to provide a coordinated national response to fight the epidemic. Last week, as part…