Radio Farda Journalist Wins 2012 MJ Bear Fellowship

Radio Farda's AjiriRadio Farda’s Denise Hassanzade Ajiri has been awarded the 2012 MJ Bear Fellowship. Ajiri is one of three journalists under age 30 selected by the Online News Association (ONA) to receive the fellowship, which is named after digital journalism pioneer and former RFE/RL programming director Mary Jane “MJ” Bear.

Ajiri, 29, writes for RFE/RL’s Persian-language website and contributes to the service’s 24-hour broadcasting into Iran. Her daily reporting on topics not covered in the local media, as well as her work on the weekly foreign cultural issues program “Podhang,” provides Iranians with information they could not receive through the rigidly censored, state-run domestic media.

Read more at RFE/RL’s “Off Mic” blog.


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