102nd Intelligence Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard   Right Corner Banner
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Units > 102nd Air Operations Group


102nd Air Operations Group Commander: Col. Richard Sweeten
101st Air Operations Squadron Commander: Col. Timothy Estep
102nd Air Intelligence Squadron Commander: Col. Joseph Sweeney
102nd Air Communications Squadron Commander: Capt. Raymond Hale

Group Vision Statement

Provide the best qualified joint Air Operations Center warfighters to meet world-wide taskings...ready to go at a moment's notice.

Group Mission Statement

Augment the 608th Air Operations Center with decisive air and space power through effective command and control (C2) of operational/theater level forces. Support the combatant commander, U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM). Be ready to augment other air operations centers in supporting other combatant commanders anywhere in the world, as the situation dictates.

102nd Air Operations Group Mission Detail

The 102nd Air Operations Group is a unit of the Massachusetts Air National Guard located at Otis ANG Base, Mass. The members of the 102nd AOG are trained and ready to support the Governor of Massachusetts in preserving the peace, order, and public safety of the state, and stand ready to support their federal mission as required.

While the unit's primary federal mission is to provide trained C2 warfighters to any global Air Operations Center, the 102nd AOG is functionally aligned with the 608th AOC, a functional AOC specializing in global effects. The 608th AOC is part of Eighth Air Force (also known as "The Mighty Eighth") located at Barksdale Air Force Base, La. Eighth Air Force also functions as the Global Strike Joint Functional Component Command for USSTRATCOM, making the 608th AOC the USSTRATCOM AOC. The 608th is the first AOC in the Air Force to conduct distributed operations with an Air National Guard unit. The 102nd AOG's role is to augment the Airmen at the 608th AOC and to share the operational workload. Together the 608th AOC and the 102nd AOG plan and monitor missions that involve strategic assets that are too specialized to be released to a specific theater of operations.

As part of this commitment, the 102nd AOG provides augmentation for a 24/7/365 Battle Watch mission. The Battle Watch executes the daily Integrated Tasking Order and maintains situational awareness at the strategic level on all world events, while simultaneously maintaining a global operational picture tracking friendly/enemy orders of battle and monitoring/tracking and performing command and control for global power missions. Additionally, the mission includes the collection of battle damage assessment and intelligence to determine mission effectiveness.

Traditionally, National Guard units assigned this mission deploy personnel to the physical location of the AOC and work with their active duty counterparts on site. What makes the mission currently happening between the 608th AOC and the 102nd AOG unique is the use of distributed operations. Distributed operations enable the units to integrate and work as one despite being geographically separated. Airmen can share information and collaborate with each other using electronically linked systems within their respective work centers. Now, operators in the 102nd AOG at Otis Air National Guard Base can monitor mission activities as if they were present at the 608th AOC. The two operations centers can distribute the workload seamlessly.

Link to 8th Air Force - http://www.8af.acc.af.mil/main/welcome.asp
Link to USSTRATCOM - http://www.stratcom.mil/mission/

101st Air Operations Squadron


Enable the operational excellence of the 102nd AOG by providing experienced Command and Control warriors to execute the Strategy, Plans and Combat Operations functions of war planning across the full spectrum of desired Global Effects.


Provide direct command and control support to the 608th AOC. Serve as the operational bridge that integrates and synchronizes strategic decisions to tactical level execution, and always be ready to execute day-to-day air and space operations to provide rapid reaction, positive control, coordination and deconfliction of USSTRATCOM weapons systems.

102nd Air Intelligence Squadron


Provide expeditionary operational Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) experts...poised and ready to support Joint Air Operations Centers worldwide.


Augment 608th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Division (ISRD) with integrated, fused, and predictive ISR capabilities in support of command and control of operational/theater level forces. Through aggressive training and preparation, present ISR forces to Air Operations Centers worldwide with benchmark expertise in strategy development, analysis, targeting, ISR operations and combat/operational assessment.

102nd Air Communications Squadron


Provide dependable, outstanding, reliable, "always available" Air and Space Operation Center communication infrastructure, hardware, and expertise to USSTRATCOM, Eighth Air Force and the 102nd Air Operations Group.


Provide, operate, and maintain command, control, communications, computers, and information management systems and services in support of USSTRATCOM Joint Functional Component Command for Global Strike and Integration, Eighth Air Force, and the 102nd Air Operations Group. Ensure worldwide deployment readiness of assigned personnel when requested while maintaining constant preparedness for state operations and natural disasters.

102nd Air Operations Group
156 Reilly Street, Box 25
Otis ANGB, MA 02542-1330

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