The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Part II
Profiles and Comparisons for Selected Federal Agencies

Section A - Agency Profiles

What follows are individual profiles of federal agencies with a total work force of 500 or more employees. These profiles of selected indicators were created from data submitted by agencies in annual "462" reports, and the Civilian Personnel Data File (CPDF), which is maintained by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). On page II-FedGov-1 is a similar profile for the federal government as a whole for comparison purposes.

The agency profile narratives compare FY 2002 and FY 2003 data. Each agency's profile narrative highlights the participation by race, national origin, gender, and disability of employees in the workforce as a whole, as well as in the agency's major occupations, Senior Pay Level, and the "feeder grades" (GS-14 and GS-15). By comparing these participation rates agencies can identify possible barriers to equality of opportunity and take steps to eliminate those barriers.

The profile narratives also offer data concerning agencies' success in implementing alternative dispute resolution (ADR) activities at the pre-complaint and formal complaint stages of the discrimination complaint process. EEOC is firmly committed to using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to resolve workplace disputes. Used properly and in appropriate circumstances, ADR can provide faster and less expensive results while at the same time improving workplace communication and morale.

Each profile narrative also contains a number of measures related to the agencies' EEO complaint activities, including the number of complaints filed, complainants, complaints closed, merit decisions, findings of discrimination, and settlements. Also included are the total amounts of money paid by the agency for corrective actions and settlements, total amounts awarded in specific categories, and the average time it took for an agency to process complaints. By providing this information to the President, Congress, and public, agencies maintain transparency in their EEO operations.

Immediately following the profile of each agency is a table containing data on the agency's performance for selected EEO measures in FY 2003. The table highlights discrimination complaint processing activities for each agency and reflects the change in the data provided in FY 2002 and FY 2003. This data is provided to agencies to help them identify areas in which they are achieving success, as well as those in which they still face challenges.

The EEOC relies on each agency to provide accurate and reliable data for its complaint processing program. Although the EEOC reviews and analyzes the data submitted, each agency remains ultimately responsible for the accuracy of its own data.

Department of Homeland Security - The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created on March 1, 2003. By September 30, 2003, DHS had a permanent workforce of 109,655 employees. One prior independent agency, the former Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was folded entirely into DHS, and is therefore no longer the subject of an agency profile narrative.

However, because FEMA continued to process its EEO complaints during FY 2003, its complaint processing data is reported in each of the complaint processing tables.(13) Sub-elements of numerous agencies also were incorporated into DHS, including the following:

Department of Agriculture The Plum Island Animal Disease Center and part of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Department of Commerce Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
Department of Defense National Communications System and Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Department of Energy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center, and Nuclear Incident Response
Department of Health and Human Services Civilian Biodefense Research Programs and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response Assets
Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service*, National Domestic Preparedness Office, and National Infrastructure Protection Service
Department of Transportation Coast Guard* and Transportation Security Administration*
Department of Treasury Customs Service*, Secret Service*, and Federal Law Enforcement Training Center*
General Services Administration Federal Protective Services* and Federal Computer Incident Response Center

* Reported complaint processing data as sub-element of Homeland Security-MOU

As a result of the creation of DHS, readers of this Report should exercise care when comparing data from the above agencies in FY 2003 to that from prior years. By way of example, Table 10 indicates that in FY 2002, the Department of Justice had a permanent workforce of 124,539 employees, but only 98,180 permanent employees in FY 2003, and its participation rate for Hispanics fell from 14.22% in FY 2002 to 8.44% in FY 2003. Similarly, the agency profile for the Department of Treasury no longer reflects that Customs Inspector is one of its major occupations.

This page was last modified on May 14, 2004.

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