MAC Group

Rocky Mountain Area MAC Group Information

The Rocky Mountain Area Multi-Agency Coordinating (MAC) Group convenes whenever the Prepardness Level reaches 4 or 5 within the Rocky Mountain Area. This group is made up of one or more members from each Federal land management agency and from each State represented within the Rocky Mountain Area. The objective of a MAC group is to set priorities on incidents in the Rocky Mountain Area.

RMA MAC Plan (2012)

Appendix G - Priority Decision Matrix

Safety Assistance Teams Purpose and Function

RMCG Direction to LMACs (2012)

Daily IC Call Template

ICS-209 Tips - MAC Suggestions

RM Area In- Briefing for Incoming Team
Briefing Packet Handouts

Briefing Agenda
RMCG Rocky Mountain Area 2012 Incident Commander Expectations
RMCG IA Strategy Guidance to LMACS
Heat Related Ilness Management Considerations
Fatigue Management Considerations
Sage-grouse Habitat Management Talking Points
Oil and Gas Talking Points
USFS-R2 Fire Operations Guidance in Bark Beetle Stands
Acute Mountain Sickness
BLM Operations Alert