
Scientists who use the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Facility's data are major contributors to radiation and cloud research. Investigators sponsored by Atmospheric System Research publish about 150 refereed journal articles per year, and ARM data are used in many studies published by other scientific organizations. In addition, the annual ASR Science Team Meeting attracts 250 to 300 attendees, with over 200 posters representing recently completed or ongoing science projects. Proceedings from previous ARM Science Team meetings and ASR Science Team meetings are available on the website. These documented research efforts represent tangible evidence of ARM's contribution to advances in almost all areas of atmospheric radiation and many areas of cloud research.

Many other documents are prepared by members of the ARM Climate Research Facility to help guide the direction of the program and track progress. These publications include planning documents, status reports, and conference presentations.

ARM also develops public information materials to communicate the purpose and objectives of the program to general audiences, while ARM's Education and Outreach center focuses on providing learning materials for classrooms and the communities that host ARM's field research sites.

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Featured Publications

2012 Annual Report Now Online
Feb 13, 2013       
The 2012 edition of the ARM Climate Research Facility Annual Report was published in January 2013. The report contains information about new ARM sites, a short overview of the Facility, information about featured field campaigns, key research results, and infrastructure achievements. It also provides a summary of 2012 field campaigns conducted throughout the ARM [...]

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Looking for ARM Information to Share?
Apr 02, 2012       
Information about “all things ARM” is readily available through ARM’s comprehensive website. In addition to this online resource, high-quality print products are developed throughout the year to help communicate with new collaborators, stakeholders, and public audiences. The latest edition of the ARM Climate Research Facility Annual Report was published in December 2011. The [...]

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New Year Brings New Documents
Mar 27, 2012       
Each year, the ARM Climate Research Facility publishes a variety of technical reports and documents to inform users. The year is still young, but already eight technical documents have been published. Two handbooks for Recovery Act instruments, the Doppler Lidar (DL) Handbook and the Ka-Band ARM Zenith Radar Handbook, document the functionality and operation of [...]

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