PEPFAR Updates

Protecting Mothers and Children From HIV: A Call to Action

Mother Child South Africa

At this point in history, there is no reason why children should be born with HIV. Yet 390,000 infants around the globe were born with the virus in 2010. Science has long established that providing mothers with antiretroviral drugs can prevent them from transmitting the virus to their children — as well as keeping the…

Innovation in Development: The Peace Corps Global Health Service Partnership

Buck Buckingham moderating the Global Health Service Partnership panel

In a major lecture delivered on December 13, 2011, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Ambassador Eric Goosby described vital ways that United States health care professionals are working in developing nations to train more doctors, nurses and midwives and to support medical research. He concluded, “When I talk about doing development differently, these programs focused on…

Winning the Fight Against HIV in Children

Rajiv Shah

Over thirty years ago, when the fight against HIV first began, the outlook for tackling the pandemic was bleak. Across the world, AIDS was seen as a death sentence. Within just a few years, it had devastated communities from the United States to South Africa. But the world continued to fight, and the past three…

Giving Mothers a Very Special Gift

PEPFAR Health Clinic

What is the greatest gift we can give a mother this Mother’s Day? There are many answers, but one is to help her live and help her children live a healthy life. As we celebrate Mother’s Day and think about mothers around the world, the American people are working through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan…

In Nigeria, Remembering Lives Lost

Goosby Nigeria

I am writing from Abuja, Nigeria, where all are mourning the victims of the tragic bombings of a local newspaper’s offices here and in the city of Kaduna. Innocent lives were lost to these terrible acts of murder. At the time of the blast, UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe and I were commemorating the victims…

An Update From the Global Fund Board Meeting in Geneva


Recently, I met with my fellow Global Fund Board members in Geneva and I am buoyed by the reform that is happening at the Fund under the leadership of new General Manager Gabriel Jaramillo. As everyone knows, the United States has been pushing aggressively for reform, linking our historic pledge of $4 billion from FY…

Change Is the One True Constant: Transitions at HHS

Ronald Valdiserri

Introducing the Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy As announced in the Federal Register on Friday, March 16, the office formerly known as the Office of HIV/AIDS Policy will now be known as the Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy (OHAIDP). OHAIDP, located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, is…

Looking to AIDS 2012: Turning the Tide Together

Ambassador Eric Goosby, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Ambassador at Large

For the first time in over 20 years, the biannual International AIDS Conference will be hosted on American soil. From July 22-27, AIDS 2012 will convene scientists, health professionals, policy makers and those affected by AIDS in Washington, D.C. to assess progress to date and identify next steps in the global response. The conference theme,…