Daniella Rivera


Highlights from the 2010 Conference on Retroviral and Opportunistic Infections

Dr. Anthony Fauci

A week ago we blogged about ways to stay connected to the 17th Conference on Retroviral and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Since then, the world’s premiere researchers and scientists have come together at the San Francisco Moscone Center to discuss advances and future directions in the prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS. Throughout the conference…

Today is National Latino AIDS Awareness Day


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James Albino, Office of National AIDS Policy

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Today is National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) . Earlier this week we shared some of the ways that people are using new media to get the word out about NLAAD. Here’s an update on just a few of this week’s many NLAAD activities. The Latino Commission on AIDS (the lead organization for the day)…