Intellectual Property

The Ames Laboratory has a history of successful invention disclosures.  The following chart shows the number of disclosures over the past six fiscal years:




The Ames Laboratory utilizes its contractor for intellectual property reporting, patenting, and licensing. Under the M&O contract, all Ames Laboratory employees are:

  1. Required to assign the rights to IP developed at Ames Laboratory to ISU (link to IP Agreement), and
  2. Required to report any and all IP developed at Ames Laboratory to Ames Lab’s Office of Intellectual Property.
    1. The IP Disclosure Form (click on link then click Disclosure Form) that must be used to report IP
    2. The completed, signed & witnessed Disclosure Form must be given to the Office of Intellectual  Property for routing to ISURF

For information on DOE Technology Transfer, please visit their website at