
  • A USAID-supported health worker discusses reproductive health with village women in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

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  • A USAID-supported project providing solar energy illumination to households in Indian villages, results in improved life quality and better livelihood opportunities.

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  • A farmer holding wheat stalks in the field

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  • Pupils at the Govt. Higher Primary School, Banjarapalya, sing the title song of the Interactive Radio I program 'Chikki Chinna', which is known by children throughout Karnataka.

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The Connect Chronicles
The Connect Chronicles
Transforming India's Distribution Sector
Transforming India's Distribution Sector
My New Immunity: India's first group health insurance for people living with HIV
My New Immunity: India's first group health insurance for people living with HIV


The United States and India have been working together for many years. India's emergence as a regional and global power and rapidly growing trade and investment partner creates a chance to transform the traditional donor-recipient model of development into a partnership where the United States and India jointly tackle development challenges in India and globally. USAID’s support for development innovations focuses on health, food security, and clean energy. We are also developing new mechanisms that will allow us the flexibility to identify, support and scale-up innovations that fall outside these sectors.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

William Hammink, Mission Director
American Embassy
New Delhi
+91 (11) 24198000
+91 (11) 24198612

Headquarters Contact

Anne Convery
U.S. Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
(202) 712-4029

Mission Director

Last updated: March 04, 2013

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