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Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


Development of Study Approaches and Methods

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This crosscutting topic bibliography is a subcategory of the following bibliography:

2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993
1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1981


Alexander, S.C., and Saar, M.O., 2012,
Improved characterization of small “u” for Jacob pumping test analysis methods: Ground Water, v. 50, no. 2, p. 256-265, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00839.x.
Burns, D., Aiken, G., Bradley, P., Journey, C., and Schelker, J., 2012,
Specific ultra-violet absorbance as an indicator of mercury sources in an Adirondack River basin: Biogeochemistry, p. 1-16, doi:10.1007/s10533-012-9773-5 (Advanced Web release).
Craven, A.M., Aiken, G.R., and Ryan, J.N., 2012,
Copper(II) binding by dissolved organic matter--Importance of the copper-to-dissolved organic matter ratio and implications for the biotic ligand model: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 46, no. 18, p. 9948-9954, doi:10.1021/es301015p.
Eberts, S., Böhlke, J., Kauffman, L., and Jurgens, B., 2012,
Comparison of particle-tracking and lumped-parameter age-distribution models for evaluating vulnerability of production wells to contamination: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 20, no. 2, p. 263-282, doi:10.1007/s10040-011-0810-6.
Ellefsen, K.J., Burton, W.C., and Lacombe, P.J., 2012,
Integrated characterization of the geologic framework of a contaminated site in West Trenton, New Jersey: Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 79, no. 0, p. 71-81, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.12.008.
Han, L.-F., Plummer, L.N., and Aggarwal, P., 2012,
A graphical method to evaluate predominant geochemical processes occurring in groundwater systems for radiocarbon dating: Chemical Geology, v. 318–319, p. 88-112, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.05.004.
McCleskey, R.B., Nordstrom, D.K., Ryan, J.N., and Ball, J.W., 2012,
A new method of calculating electrical conductivity with applications to natural waters: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 77, p. 369-382, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2011.10.031.
Mwakanyamale, K., Slater, L., Day-Lewis, F., Elwaseif, M., and Johnson, C., 2012,
Spatially variable stage-driven groundwater-surface water interaction inferred from time-frequency analysis of distributed temperature sensing data: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 39, no. 6, L06401, doi:10.1029/2011gl050824.


Brosten, T.R., Day-Lewis, F.D., Schultz, G.M., Curtis, G.P., and Lane Jr, J.W., 2011,
Inversion of multi-frequency electromagnetic induction data for 3D characterization of hydraulic conductivity: Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 73, no. 4, p. 323-335, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.02.004.
Day-Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C.D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011,
A computer program for flow-log analysis of single holes (FLASH): Ground Water, v. 49, no. 6, p. 926-931, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798.x.
Dybowska, A.D., Croteau, M.-N., Misra, S.K., Berhanu, D., Luoma, S.N., Christian, P., O'Brien, P., and Valsami-Jones, E., 2011,
Synthesis of isotopically modified ZnO nanoparticles and their potential as nanotoxicity tracers: Environmental Pollution, v. 159, no. 1, p. 266-273, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2010.08.032.
McCleskey, R.B., Kirk Nordstrom, D., and Ryan, J.N., 2011,
Electrical conductivity method for natural waters: Applied Geochemistry, v. 26, Supplement 1, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.110.
Pellerin, B.A., Bergamaschi, B.A., Murdoch, P.S., Downing, B.D., Saraceno, J.F., Aiken, G.R., and Striegl, R.G., 2011,
The aquatic real-time monitoring network--in-situ optical sensors for monitoring the Nation's water quality: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011-3061, 2 p.
Pidlisecky, A., Singha, K., and Day-Lewis, F.D., 2011,
A distribution-based parametrization for improved tomographic imaging of solute plumes: Geophysical Journal International, v. 187, no. 1, p. 214-224, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05131.x.
Sanford, W., 2011,
Calibration of models using groundwater age: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 19, no. 1, p. 13-16, doi:10.1007/s10040-010-0637-6.
Smith, K.S., 2011,
Approach for environmental baseline water sampling, in Proceedings of the 2011 Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Denver, CO, February 27-March 2, 2011.
Writer, J.H., Keefe, S.K., Ryan, J.N., Ferrer, I., Thurman, M.E., and Barber, L.B., 2011,
Methods for evaluating in-stream attenuation of trace organic compounds: Applied Geochemistry, v. 26, Supplement, p. S344-S345, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.071.


Day-Lewis, F.D., Slater, L.D., Ntarlagiannis, R.D., and Lane, J.W., Jr., 2010,
Combining electrical imaging and distributed temperature sensing to characterize groundwater/surface-water interaction, in Near Surface 2010, 16th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2010: Houton, The Netherlands, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, p. 4.
Diehl, S.F., Hageman, P.L., Koenig, A.E., Seal Ii, R.R., Smith, K.S., Benzel, W.M., and Driscoll, R.L., 2010,
Techniques to understand metal leaching from ore minerals in mine-waste material, in Proceedings of the 2010 Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Phoenix, Arizona, February 28-March 3, 2010: Red Hook, NY, Curran Associates, Inc., p. 614-616, ISBN:9781617380822.
Jassby, A.D., and Cloern, J.E., 2010,
R package wq0.2-2--Exploring water quality monitoring data:
Nordstrom, D.K., McCleskey, R.B., and Ball, J.W., 2010,
Challenges in the analysis and interpretation of acidic waters, in Wolkersdorfer, C., and Freund, A., eds., International Mine Water Association Symposium--Mine Water and Innovative Thinking, Sydney, Nova Scotia: CBU Press, p. 379-383 (direct link to pdf).
Schmidt, T.S., Clements, W.H., Mitchell, K.A., Church, S.E., Wanty, R.B., Fey, D.L., Verplanck, P.L., and San Juan, C.A., 2010,
Development of a new toxic-unit model for the bioassessment of metals in streams: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, v. 29, no. 11, p. 2432-2442, doi:10.1002/etc.302.
Tiedeman, C.R., Lacombe, P.J., and Goode, D.J., 2010,
Multiple well-shutdown tests and site-scale flow simulation in fractured rocks: Ground Water, v. 48, no. 3, p. 401-415, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2009.00651.x.


Berhanu, D., Dybowska, A., Misra, S.K., Stanley, C.J., Ruenraroengsak, P., Boccaccini, A.R., Tetley, T.D., Luoma, S.N., Plant, J.A., and Valsami-Jones, E., 2009,
Characterisation of carbon nanotubes in the context of toxicity studies: Environmental Health--A Global Access Science Source, v. 8, no. SUPPL. 1, doi:10.1186/1476-069X-8-S1-S3 (SUPPL. 1).
Ellefsen, K.J., 2009,
A comparison of phase inversion and traveltime tomography for processing near-surface refraction traveltimes: Geophysics, v. 74, no. 6, p. WCB11-WCB24, doi:10.1190/1.3196857.
Haack, S.K., Duris, J.W., Fogarty, L.R., Kolpin, D.W., Focazio, M.J., Furlong, E.T., and Meyer, M.T., 2009,
Comparing wastewater chemicals, indicator bacteria concentrations, and bacterial pathogen genes as fecal pollution indicators: Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 38, no. 1, p. 248-258, doi:10.2134/jeq2008.0173.
Jencso, K.G., McGlynn, B.L., Gooseff, M.N., Wondzell, S.M., Bencala, K.E., and Marshall, L.A., 2009,
Hydrologic connectivity between landscapes and streams--Transferring reach- and plot-scale understanding to the catchment scale: Water Resources Research, v. 45, no. 4, W04428, doi:10.1029/2008WR007225.
Metre, P.C.V., and Fuller, C.C., 2009,
Dual-core mass-balance approach for evaluating mercury and 210Pb atmospheric fallout and focusing to lakes: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 43, no. 1, p. 26-32, doi:10.1021/es801490c.
Michel, R.L., 2009,
Radionuclides as tracers and timers in surface and groundwater (Chapter 5), in Klaus, F., ed., Environmental Radionuclides--Tracers and Timers of Terrestrial Processes--Radioactivity in the Environment: Elsevier, v. Volume 16, p. 139-230, ISBN:1569-4860.
Michel, R.L., Izbicki, J.A., McMahon, P.B., and Stonestrom, D.A., 2009,
Use of isotopes for the study of pollutant behaviour in the unsaturated zone at three semi-arid sites in the USA, in Aggarwal, P.K., and Kulkarni, K.M., eds., Application of Isotopes to the Assessment of Pollutant Behaviour in the Unsaturated Zone for Groundwater Protection: Vienna, Austria, International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA-TECDOC-1618, p. 205-218.
Ong, J.T., White, E.A., Lane, J.W., Halihan, T., Jr., and Zlotnik, V.A., 2009,
Combined use of frequency-domain electromagnetic and electrical resistivity surveys to delineate the freshwater/saltwater interface near saline lakes in the Nebraska Sand Hills, Nebraska, USA, in Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Proceedings, Fort Worth, Texas, March 29 - April 2, 2009: Denver, Colo., Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, p. 10.
Sturchio, N.C., Caffee, M., Beloso Jr, A.D., Heraty, L.J., Böhlke, J.K., Hatzinger, P.B., Jackson, W.A., Gu, B., Heikoop, J.M., and Dale, M., 2009,
Chlorine-36 as a tracer of perchlorate origin: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 43, no. 18, p. 6934-6938, doi:10.1021/es9012195.
Walton-Day, K., and Poeter, E., 2009,
Investigating hydraulic connections and the origin of water in a mine tunnel using stable isotopes and hydrographs: Applied Geochemistry, v. 24, no. 12, p. 2266-2282, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.09.015.


Busenberg, E., and Plummer, L.N., 2008,
Dating groundwater with trifluoromethyl sulfurpentafluoride (SF5CF3), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), CF3Cl (CFC-13), and CF2Cl2 (CFC-12): Water Resources Research, v. 44, no. 2, W02431, doi:10.1029/2007wr006150.
Day-Lewis, F.D., and Singha, K., 2008,
Geoelectrical inference of mass transfer parameters using temporal moments: Water Resources Research, v. 44, W05201, doi:10.1029/2007WR006750.
Gebrekristos, R.A., Shapiro, A.M., and Usher, B.H., 2008,
In situ estimation of the effective chemical diffusion coefficient of a rock matrix in a fractured aquifer: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 16, no. 4, p. 629-639, doi:10.1007/s10040-007-0255-0.
Harvey, R.W., Metge, D.W., Shapiro, A.M., Renken, R.A., Osborn, C.L., Ryan, J.N., Cunningham, K.J., and Landkamer, L., 2008,
Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer--3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts: Water Resources Research, v. 44, W08431, doi:10.1029/2007WR006060.
Kolker, A., Engle, M.A., Orem, W.H., Bunnell, J.E., Lerch, H.E., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Olson, M.L., and McCord, J.D., 2008,
Mercury, trace elements and organic constituents in atmospheric fine particulate matter, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA--A combined approach to sampling and analysis: Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, v. 32, no. 3, p. 279-293, doi:10.1111/j.1751-908X.2008.00913.x.
Konikow, L.F., Hornberger, G.Z., Putnam, L.D., Shapiro, A.M., and Zinn, B.A., 2008,
The use of groundwater age as a calibration target, in Refsgaard, J.C., Kovar, K., Haarder, E., and Nygaard, E., eds., Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling--Credibility of Modelling--Proceedings of ModelCARE 2007 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 9-13, 2007: IAHS-AISH Publication 320, p. 250-256.
Neuzil, C.E., and Konikow, L.F., 2008,
Reply to comment by T. N. Narasimhan on “A method to estimate groundwater depletion from confining layers”: Water Resources Research, v. 44, W06421, doi:10.1029/2008WR007084.
Niswonger, R.G., Prudic, D.E., Fogg, G.E., Stonestrom, D.A., and Buckland, E.M., 2008,
Method for estimating spatially variable seepage loss and hydraulic conductivity in intermittent and ephemeral streams: Water Resources Research, v. 44, W05418, doi:10.1029/2007WR006626.
Plummer, L.N., Busenberg, E., Eberts, S.M., Bexfield, L.M., Brown, C.J., Fahlquist, L.S., Katz, B.G., and Landon, M.K., 2008,
Low-level detections of halogenated volatile organic compounds in groundwater--Use in vulnerability assessments: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, v. 13, no. 11, p. 1,049-1,068, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0699(2008)13:11(1049).
Weiss, J.V., and Cozzarelli, I.M., 2008,
Biodegradation in contaminated aquifers--Incorporating microbial/molecular methods: Ground Water, v. 46, no. 2, p. 305-322, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2007.00409.x.


Croteau, M.-N., and Luoma, S.N., 2007,
Characterizing dissolved Cu and Cd uptake in terms of the biotic ligand and biodynamics using enriched stable isotopes: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 41, no. 9, p. 3140-3145, doi:10.1021/es0615122.
Harvey, R.W., Harms, H., and Landkamer, L., 2007,
Transport of microorganisms in the terrestrial subsurface--In situ and laboratory methods, in Hurst, C.J., and others, eds., Manual of Environmental Microbiology (3rd ed.): Washington, D.C., ASM Press, v. VI, ISBN:978-1-55581-379-6.
Hostettler, F.D., Wang, Y., Huang, Y., Cao, W., Bekins, B.A., Rostad, C.E., Kulpa, C.F., and Laursen, A., 2007,
Forensic fingerprinting of oil-spill hydrocarbons in a methanogenic environment-Mandan, ND and Bemidji, MN: Environmental Forensics, v. 8, no. 1, p. 139-153, doi:10.1080/15275920601180685.
Kimball, B.A., Walton-Day, K., and Runkel, R.L., 2007,
Quantification of metal loading by tracer injection and synoptic sampling, 1996-2000 (Chapter E9), in Church, S.E., von Guerard, P., and Finger, S.E., eds., Integrated Investigations of Environmental Effects of Historical Mining in the Animas River Watershed, San Juan County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1651, v. 1, p. 417-495.
Koh, D.C., Plummer, L.N., Busenberg, E., and Kim, Y., 2007,
Evidence for terrigenic SF6 in groundwater from basaltic aquifers, Jeju Island, Korea--Implications for groundwater dating: Journal of Hydrology, v. 339, no. 1-2, p. 93-104, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.03.011.
Konikow, L.F., and Neuzil, C.E., 2007,
A method to estimate groundwater depletion from confining layers: Water Resources Research, v. 43, no. 7, W07417, doi:10.1029/2006WR005597.
Krabbenhoft, D.P., Engstrom, D., Gilmour, C., Harris, R., Hurley, J.P., and Mason, R.P., 2007,
Monitoring and evaluating trends in sediment and water indicators (Chapter 3), in Harris, R., and others, eds., Ecosystem responses to mercury contamination--Indicators of change: Boca Raton, Fla., CRC Press LLC, p. 47-82, ISBN:9780849388927.
Marksamer, A.J., Person, M.A., Day-Lewis, F.D., Lane, J.W., Cohen, D., Dugan, B., Kooi, H., and Willett, M., 2007,
Integrating geophysical, hydrochemical, and hydrologic data to understand the freshwater resources on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, in Hyndman, D.W., Day-Lewis, F.D., and Singha, K., eds., Subsurface Hydrology--Data Integration for Properties and Processes: Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph Series, p. 143-160, ISBN:978-0-87590-437-5.
Nimmo, J.R., Herkelrath, W.N., and Laguna Luna, A.M., 2007,
Physically based estimation of soil water retention from textural data--General framework, new models, and streamlined existing models: Vadose Zone Journal, v. 6, no. 4, p. 766-773, doi:10.2136/vzj2007.0019.
Pérez Catán, S., S., R.G., Marvin-DiPasquale, M., Magnavacca, C., Cohen, I.M., and Arribere, M., 2007,
Methodological considerations regarding the use of inorganic 197Hg(II) radiotracer to assess mercury methylation potential rates in lake sediment: Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 65, no. 9, p. 987-997, doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2007.04.010.
Rostad, C.E., and Hostettler, F.D., 2007,
Profiling refined hydrocarbon fuels using polar components: Environmental Forensics, v. 8, no. 1, p. 129-137, doi:10.1080/15275920601180677.
Shapiro, A.M., Hsieh, P.A., Burton, W.C., and Walsh, G.J., 2007,
Integrated multi-scale characterization of ground-water flow and chemical transport in fractured crystalline rock at the Mirror Lake Site, New Hampshire, in Hyndman, D.W., Day-Lewis, F.D., and Singha, K., eds., Subsurface Hydrology--Data Integration for Properties and Processes: Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph Series, p. 201-225, ISBN:978-0-87590-437-5.
Smith, R.L., and Steve H. Harris, J., 2007,
Determining the terminal electron-accepting reaction in the saturated subsurface, in Hurst, C.J., and others, eds., Manual of Environmental Microbiology (3rd ed.): Washington, D.C., ASM Press, v. VI, ISBN:978-1-55581-379-6.
Sturchio, N.C., Böhlke, J.K., Beloso, A.D., Streger, S.H., Heraty, L.J., and Hatzinger, P.B., 2007,
Oxygen and chlorine isotopic fractionation during perchlorate biodegradation--Laboratory results and implications for forensics and natural attenuation studies: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 41, no. 8, p. 2,796-2,802, doi:10.1021/es0621849.
Williams, R.L., Mayer, K.U., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., and Bain, J.G., 2007,
Using dissolved gas analysis to investigate the performance of an organic carbon permeable reactive barrier for the treatment of mine drainage: Applied Geochemistry, v. 22, no. 1, p. 90-108, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2006.09.007.
Zinn, B.A., and Konikow, L.F., 2007,
Effects of intraborehole flow on groundwater age distribution: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 15, no. 4, p. 633-643, doi:10.1007/s10040-006-0139-8.


Barber, L.B., Murphy, S.F., Verplanck, P.L., Sandstrom, M.W., Taylor, H.E., and Furlong, E.T., 2006,
Chemical loading into surface water along a hydrological, biogeochemical, and land use gradient--A holistic watershed approach: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 40, no. 2, p. 475-486, doi:10.1021/es051270q.
Böhlke, J.K., 2006,
Tracemodel1 - Excel workbook for calculation and presentation of environmental tracer data for simple groundwater mixtures, in IAEA, ed., IAEA guidebook on the use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology, Appendix III: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 229-233, ISBN:92-0-100805-8.
Busenberg, E., and Plummer, L.N., 2006,
Potential use of other atmospheric gases (chapter 10), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 183-190.
Busenberg, E., Plummer, L.N., Cook, P.G., Solomon, D.K., Han, L.F., Gröning, M., and Oster, H., 2006,
Sampling and analytical methods (chapter 12), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 199-220.
Cook, P.G., Plummer, L.N., Solomon, D.K., Busenberg, E., and Han, L.F., 2006,
Effects and processes that can modify apparent CFC age (chapter 4), in IAEA, ed., Chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 31-58, ISBN:92-0-100805-8.
Groffman, P.M., Altabet, M.A., Böhlke, J.K., Butterbach-Bahl, K., David, M.B., Firestone, M.K., Giblin, A.E., Kana, T.M., Nielsen, L.P., and Voytek, M.A., 2006,
Methods for measuring denitrification--Diverse approaches to a difficult problem: Ecological Applications, v. 16, no. 6, p. 2091-2122, doi:10.1890/1051-0761(2006)016[2091:MFMDDA]2.0.CO;2.
Han, L.F., Gröning, M., Plummer, L.N., and Solomon, D.K., 2006,
Comparison of the CFC technique with other techniques (3H, 3H/3He, 85Kr) (chapter 11), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 191-198.
Heilweil, V.M., and Hsieh, P.A., 2006,
Determining anisotropic permeability using a simplified Papadopulos method: Ground Water, v. 44, no. 5, p. 749-753, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2006.00210.x.
Mitchell, M.J., Piatek, K.B., Christopher, S., Mayer, B., Kendall, C., and McHale, P., 2006,
Solute sources in stream water during consecutive fall storms in a northern hardwood forest watershed--A combined hydrological, chemical and isotopic approach: Biogeochemistry, v. 78, p. 217-246, doi:10.1007/s10533-005-4277-1.
Plummer, L.N., and Busenberg, E., 2006,
Chlorofluorocarbons in aquatic environments (chapter 1), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 1-8.
Plummer, L.N., and Busenberg, E., 2006,
Chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere (chapter 2), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 9-16.
Plummer, L.N., and Busenberg, E., 2006,
Principles of chlorofluorocarbon dating (chapter 3), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 17-29.
Plummer, L.N., Busenberg, E., Cook, P.G., Oster, H., Han, L.F., and Gröning, M., 2006,
Selected case studies using CFC data (chapter 9), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 135-182.
Plummer, L.N., Busenberg, E., and Han, L.F., 2006,
CFCs in binary mixtures of young and old groundwater (chapter 5), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 59-72.
Plummer, L.N., Busenberg, E., and Han, L.F., 2006,
Data interpretation in representative cases (chapter 8), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 105-134.
Reddy, M.M., Schuster, P., Kendall, C., and Reddy, M.B., 2006,
Characterization of surface and ground-water δ18O seasonal variation and its use for estimating groundwater residence times: Hydrological Processes, v. 20, no. 8, p. 1753-1772, doi:10.1002/hyp.5953.
Rostad, C.E., 2006,
Differential of commercial fuels based on polar components using negative electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry: Environmental Forensics, v. 7, no. 1, p. 5-14.
Singha, K., and Gorelick, S.M., 2006,
Effects of spatially variable resolution on field-scale estimates of tracer concentration from electrical inversions using Archie's law: Geophysics, v. 71, no. 3, p. G83-G91, doi:10.1190/1.2194900.
Smith, L.K., Voytek, M.A., Böhlke, J.K., and Harvey, J.W., 2006,
Denitrification in nitrate-rich streams--Application of N2:Ar and 15N-tracer methods in intact cores: Ecological Applications, v. 16, no. 6, p. 2191-2207, doi:10.1890/1051-0761(2006)016[2191:DINSAO]2.0.CO;2.
Solomon, D.K., Cook, P.G., and Plummer, L.N., 2006,
Models of groundwater ages and residence times (chapter 6), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 73-88.
Solomon, D.K., Plummer, L.N., Busenberg, E., and Cook, P.G., 2006,
Practical application of CFCs in hydrological investigations (chapter 7), in IAEA, ed., Use of chlorofluorocarbons in hydrology--A guidebook: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 89-104.
Wallenstein, M.D., Myrold, D.D., Firestone, M., and Voytek, M., 2006,
Environmental controls on denitrifying communities and denitrification rates--Insights from molecular methods: Ecological Applications, v. 16, no. 6, p. 2143-2152, doi:10.1890/1051-0761(2006)016[2143:ECODCA]2.0.CO;2.
Wankel, S.D., Kendall, C., Francis, C.A., and Paytan, A., 2006,
Nitrogen sources and cycling in the San Francisco Bay estuary--A nitrate dual isotopic composition approach: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 51, no. 4, p. 1654-1664 (Abstract).
White, A.F., Schulz, M.S., Vivit, D.V., Blum, A.E., and Stonestrom, D.A., 2006,
Controls on pore water solutes--An approach for distinguishing between biogenic and lithogenic processes: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 88, no. 1-3, p. 363-366, doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2005.08.076.


Andraski, B.J., Stonestrom, D.A., Michel, R.L., Halford, K.J., and Radyk, J.C., 2005,
Plant-based plume-scale mapping of tritium contamination in desert soils: Vadose Zone Journal, v. 4, p. 819-827, doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0052.
Bekins, B.A., Cozzarelli, I.M., and Curtis, G.P., 2005,
A simple method for calculating growth rates of petroleum hydrocarbon plumes: Ground Water, v. 0, no. 0, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2005.00093.x.
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Baehr, A.L., Fischer, J.M., Lahvis, M.A., Baker, R.J., and Smith, N.P., 1991,
Method for estimating rates of microbial degradation of hydrocarbons based on gas transport in the unsaturated zone at a gasoline-spill site in Galloway Township, New Jersey, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15, 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4034, p. 250-255.
Brooks, M.H., 1991,
Development and evaluation of a technique for measuring denitrification enzyme activity in nitrate-contaminated ground water: Golden, Colorado School of Mines, Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry, unpublished M.S. thesis, 94 p.
Busenberg, E., and Plummer, L.N., 1991,
Chloroflurocarbons (CCl3F and CCl2F2)--Use as an age-dating tool and hydrologic tracer in shallow ground-water streams, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15, 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4034, p. 542-547.
Goolsby, D.A., Thurman, E.M., Clark, M.L., and Pomes, M.L., 1991,
Immunoassay as a screening tool for triazine herbicides in streams--comparison with gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric methods, in Vanderlaan, M., Stanker, L.H., Watkins, B.E., and Roberts, D.E., eds., Immunoassays for Trace Chemical Analysis--Monitoring toxic chemicals in humans, food, and the environment: Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society ACS Symposium Series 451, p. 86-99.
Hess, K.M., and Wolf, S.H., 1991,
Techniques to determine spatial variations in hydraulic conductivity of sand and gravel: Ada, Okla., R.S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Project Report EPA/600/2-91/006, 26 p.
Knopman, D.S., Voss, C.I., and Garabedian, S.P., 1991,
Sampling design for groundwater solute transport--Tests of methods and analysis of Cape Cod tracer test data: Water Resources Research, v. 27, no. 5, p. 925-949, 90WR02657, doi:10.1029/90WR02657.
Majure, J.J., and Eash, D.A., 1991,
An automated method to quantify physical basin characteristics, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15, 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4034, p. 558-561.
Smith, R.L., and Harvey, R.W., 1991,
Development of sampling techniques to measure in situ rates of microbial processes in a contaminated sand and gravel aquifer, in Fliermans, C.B., and Hazen, T.C., eds., Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface, Orlando, Fla., January 15-19, 1990: Aiken, S.C., Westinghouse Savannah River Company, p. 2-19 to 2-33.
Truman, C.C., Asmussen, L.E., and Allison, H.D., 1991,
Ground-penetrating radar--A tool for mapping reservoirs and lakes: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, v. 46, no. 5.
White, D.L., 1991,
Point dilution method determination of groundwater velocities at the Bemidji Research Site: University of Texas at Austin, M.S. thesis, 145 p.


Barringer, T.A., Dunn, D., Battaglin, W., and Vowinkel, E.F., 1990,
Problems and methods involved in relating land use to ground-water quality: Water Resources Bulletin, v. 26, no. 1, p. 1-9, doi:10.1111/j.1752-1688.1990.tb01345.x.
Parrish, R.S., and Smith, C.N., 1990,
A method for testing whether model predictions fall within a prescribed factor of true values, with an application to pesticide leaching: Ecological Modeling, v. 51, p. 59-72.
Smith, C.N., Brown, D.S., Parrish, D.S., Asmussen, L.E., and Hicks, D.W., 1990,
Cooperative approach for field validating agricultural chemical transport models, in Proceedings of the American Society of Agronomy, San Antonio, Tex.
Stream Solute Workshop, 1990,
Concepts and methods for assessing solute dynamics in stream ecosystems: Journal of the North American Benthological Society, v. 9, p. 95-119.
Vroblesky, D.A., and Yanosky, T.M., 1990,
Use of tree-ring chemistry to document historical ground-water contamination events: Ground Water, v. 28, no. 5, p. 677-684, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.1990.tb01983.x.


Battaglin, W.A., Ulery, R.L., and Vowinkel, E.F., 1989,
Method for simulating water-table altitudes from stream and drainage-basin locations by use of a geographic information system, in Mallard, G.E., and Ragone, S.E., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, September 26-30, 1988: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4220, p. 531-539.
Fouty, S., 1989,
Chloride mass-balance as a method for determining long-term ground-water recharge rates and geomorphic surface stability in arid and semi-arid regions--Whiskey Flat and Beatty, Nevada: Tucson, University of Arizona, unpublished M.S. thesis, 130 p.
Goerlitz, D.F., and Franks, B.J., 1989,
Use of on-site high performance liquid chromatography to evaluate the magnitude, extent and transport of organic contaminants in aquifers: Ground Water Monitoring Review, v. 9, no. 2, p. 122-130.
Hickey, J.J., 1989,
An approach to the field study of hydraulic gradients in variable-salinity ground water: Ground Water, v. 27, no. 4, p. 531-539, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.1989.tb01974.x.
Kilpatrick, F.A., Rathburn, R.E., Yotsukara, N., Parker, G.W., and DeLong, L.L., 1989,
Determination of stream reaeration coefficients by use of tracers: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 3, sec. A, chap. 18, 52 p.
Vowinkel, E.F., and Battaglin, W.A., 1989,
Methods of evaluating the relation of ground-water quality to land use in a New Jersey Coastal Plain aquifer system, in Mallard, G.E., and Ragone, S.E., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, September 26-30, 1988: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4220, p. 405-410.


Gibs, J., and Imbrigiotta, T.E., 1988,
An evaluation of field-determined characteristics used as water-quality indicators during aquifer sampling for purgeable organic compounds, in Ragone, S.E., ed., U.S. Geological Survey Program on Toxic-Waste--Ground-Water Contamination--Proceedings of the second technical meeting, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, October 21-25, 1985: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-481, p. F-19.
Gruebel, K.A., Davis, J.A., and Leckie, J.O., 1988,
The feasibility of using sequential extraction techniques for As and Se in soils and sediments: Journal of Soil Science Society of America, v. 52, p. 390-397.
Nimmo, J.R., and Akstin, K.C., 1988,
Hydraulic conductivity of a sandy soil at low water content after compaction by various methods: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 52, no. 2, p. 303-310, doi:10.2136/sssaj1988.03615995005200020001x.
Olhoeft, G.R., 1988,
Geophysical methods of contaminant detection, in Ragone, S.E., ed., U.S. Geological Survey Program on Toxic Waste--Ground-Water Contamination--Proceedings of the second technical meeting, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, October 21-25, 1985: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-481, p. A7-A-8.
Oremland, R.S., and Capone, D.G., 1988,
Use of "specific inhibitors" in biogeochemistry and microbial ecology, in Marshall, K.C., ed., Advanced Microbial Ecology 10: New York, Plenum Publishing Co., p. 285-383.


Harvey, R.W., and George, L.H., 1987,
Growth determinations for unattached bacteria in a contaminated aquifer: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, v. 53, p. 2992-2996.
Hsieh, P.A., 1987,
Characterizing the hydraulic properties of fractured rock masses--Methodology and case studies, in Farmer, I.W., and others, eds., Rocks Mechanics--Proceedings of the 28th U.S. Symposium, Tucson, Arizona, June 29 - July 1, 1987: Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, p. 465-472.
Smith, R.L., Duff, J.H., and Howes, B.L., 1987,
Development of techniques to measure in situ rates of microbial processes in a contaminated aquifer, in Franks, B.J., ed., U.S. Geological Survey Program on Toxic Waste--Ground-Water Contamination--Proceedings of the third technical meeting, Pensacola, Florida, March 23-27, 1987: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-109, p. B-25-B-27.


Brown, C.E., 1986,
Determination of rock properties by borehole geophysical and physical testing techniques and ground-water quality and movement, Durham Triassic Basin, North Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1432, 86 p.
Hsieh, P.A., 1986,
A new formula for the analytical solution of the radial dispersion problem: Water Resources Research, v. 22, no. 11, p. 1597-1605, 5W4314, doi:10.1029/WR022i011p01597.
Lacombe, P., Sargent, B.P., Harte, P.T., and Vowinkel, E.F., 1986,
Determination of geohydrological framework and extent of ground-water contamination using surface geophysical techniques at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 86-4051, 31 p.


Karlinger, M.R., and Troutman, B.M., 1985,
Assessment of the instantaneous unit hydrograph derived from the theory of topologically random networks: Water Resources Research, v. 21, no. 11, p. 1693-1702, 5W4093, doi:10.1029/WR021i011p01693.
Malcolm, R.L., and McKinley, P.W., 1985,
Methods and importance of suspended-organic carbon determination in hydrologic studies, in, in Subitzky, S., ed., Selected papers in the hydrologic sciences, 1987: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2330, p. 69-75.
Winter, T.C., 1985,
Approaches to the study of lake hydrology, in Likens, G.E., ed., An ecosystem approach to aquatic ecology, Mirror Lake and its environment: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 128-135.


Barber, L.B., II, Thurman, E.M., and Schroeder, M.P., 1984,
Closed-loop stripping combined with capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis to define a semi-volatile organic contaminant plume, in LeBlanc, D.R., ed., Movement and fate of solutes in a plume of sewage-contaminated ground water, Cape Cod, Massachusetts--U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Waste Ground-Water Contamination Program--Papers presented at the toxic waste technical meeting, Tucson, Arizona, March 20-22, 1984: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-475, p. 89-114.
Helsel, D.R., and Ragone, S.E., 1984,
Evaluation of regional ground-water quality in relation to land use; U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Waste--Ground-Water Contamination Program: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4217, 33 p.
Miller, T.L., and Gonthier, J.B., 1984,
Oregon ground-water quality and its relation to hydrogeologic factors--A statistical approach: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4242, 88 p.
Pfannkuch, H.O., 1984,
Determination of the contaminant source strength from mass exchange processes at the petroleum-ground-water interface in shallow aquifer systems, in Proceedings of the National Water Well Association/American Petroleum Institute Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Houston, Tex., 1984: National Water Well Association, p. 111-129.


Thurman, E.M., and Malcolm, R.L., 1983,
Structural study of humic substances--New approaches and methods, in Christman, R.F., and Gjessing, E.T., eds., Aquatic and terrestrial humic materials: Ann Arbor, Michigan., Ann Arbor Science, p. 1-24.


Hsieh, P.A., Tracy, J.V., Neuzil, C.E., Bredehoeft, J.D., and Silliman, S.E., 1981,
A transient method for determining the hydraulic properties of "tight" rocks--1, Theory: lnternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, v. 18, no. 3, p. 245-252.
Neuzil, C.E., Cooley, C., Silliman, S.E., Bredehoeft, J.D., and Hsieh, P.A., 1981,
A transient method for determining the hydraulic properties of "tight" rocks--II, Application: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, v. 18, no. 3, p. 253-258.

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