U.S. Geological Survey

check_picks_x: A Program for Checking the Travel Time Picks of Crosswell Seismic and Radar Data

By Karl J. Ellefsen

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0109

Version 1.0

Program 'check_picks_x' is used to interactively check the travel time picks of crosswell seismic and radar data. The checks are made with various plots of the travel times or quantities calculated from the travel times, the transmitter locations, the receiver locations, and the time statics for the transmitter (if any). The plots include the travel times (or calculated quantities) from all seismic or radar traces collected between two wells The plots are displayed on the computer screen or may be printed to a file using Postscript format. Although the program was written for crosswell data, it is general enough that it may be used for other data like travel times from surface to well data. The program is written in the IDL programming language, and it is executed, in command-line mode, within the IDL program. The program has been tested and found to operate properly on both the Unix and Windows 98 operating systems.

Download README file (plain text format) (16 KB)
Download archive file containing all program, documentation, and sample files (TAR format) (369 KB)

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