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IACP Elections

2013 IACP Board of Officer Elections: Open Positions

In 2013, two positions will be up for election on the IACP Board of Officers.

  • 4th Vice President
  • Vice-President at Large

The individual elected to position of 4th Vice President during the 2013 Annual Conference will serve as the IACP President in 2019.

The individual elected to the position of Vice President at Large will serve a single 3 year term concluding in 2016.

In order to be eligible for service on the IACP Board of Officers an individual must:

  • Be an active member of the IACP in good standing for at least two years;
  • Be regularly engaged in active police service as the operating chief executive of their police agency.

Interested individuals can announce their candidacy at any time by filing “candidate declaration forms” with the IACP Executive Director by June 21, 2013.

The materials and information provided on this page are intended to provide those IACP members interested in running for elective office with an overview of the various rules, regulations and deadlines of the IACP Election Process.

There are eight elective positions on the IACP Board of Officers.  These are: 

  • President (1 year term)
  • 1st Vice President (1 year term)
  • 2nd Vice President (1 year term)
  • 3rd Vice President (1 year term)
  • 4th Vice President (1 year term)
  • Vice President at Large #1 (3 year term)
  • Vice President at Large #2 (3 year term)
  • Vice President-Treasurer    (3 year term)

Elections are held each year at the IACP Annual Conference.  The conduct of IACP elections is governed by the IACP Constitution and Rules and overseen by the IACP Elections Commission. 

For a copy of the IACP Election Rules, please click here.
For copies of Candidate Filing Forms, please click here.
For copies of Financial Report Forms, please click here.

For further information please contact Bart R. Johnson.