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International Policing Division


The Executive Committee of the IACP established the International Policing Division, a body consisting of world regions, to promulgate the international programs and activities of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc. The International Vice President serves as the General Chair of the Division as well as a member of the IACP Board of Officers. Division Officers include the Division Vice Chair, Division Secretary and the Chairs of seven (7) World Regional Offices.

Division Officers


International Policing Division Steering Committee (IPDSC)

Advisory Committee to the IPDSC

Ad Hoc Committee on International Initiatives (AHCII)

International Conferences

Under the regional conference concept, any of IACP's seven World Regional Offices may provide oversight for regional conferences. Previous international conferences have addressed topics such as terrorism, multi-national policing efforts, the application of community-oriented policing and technological advances in both crime and crime fighting. They also provided the international policing community an ideal forum for networking, exchanging ideas, capitalizing on lessons learned, and furthering professional growth.

Click here to see upcoming conferences and past conference sites.


For more information, contact Paul Santiago, Division Director.