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IACP Capitol Report Update
IACP’s news digest, covering recent activities in Congress.

December 2012

The Police Chief Legislative Column December 2012

What Sequestration Means to State, Local and Tribal Law Enforcement

With the 112th Congressional Session coming to a close, issues such as federal deficits, budget cuts, and the sequestration are some of the most discussed topics today. Here we explain sequestration, it’s probable impact on state, local and tribal law enforcement, and how it can be avoided.

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November 2012

The Police Chief Legislative Column November 2012

Congress Passes Continuing Resolution

Before Congress recessed, both the House of Representatives and the Senate pass a Continuing Resolution (CR) that will fund the government through March 27, 2013.

House Passes Byrne-JAG Reauthorization

The House of Representatives recently approved a reauthorization on Byrne-JAG—which was set to expire on September 30. (This is separate from the appropriations noted in the previous story).

IACP Fights Marijuana Legalization Proposals

The IACP continues to fight any and all proposals that would legalize or medically classify marijuana. The IACP membership has passed several resolutions that oppose any step towards marijuana legalization on the federal, state or local level.

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October 2012

The Police Chief Legislative Column October 2012

Looking Ahead to the End of the Year

Looking ahead to the remainder of 2012, there are several issues that Congress could address. Of course, much depends on the outcome of the November elections, but there are several issues that Congress could address this year.

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September 2012

The Police Chief Legislative Column September 2012

House Approves Byrne-JAG Reauthorization

The House of Representatives recently approved IACP-supported legislation: H.R. 6062, the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Reauthorization Act of 2012.

IACP Testifies on Forensics Reform

TIn late July, IACP Forensics Co-Chair Stephanie Stoiloff, Senior Police Bureau Commander, Forensic Services Bureau, Miami-Dade Police Department, testified before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary at a hearing titled “Improving Forensic Science in the Criminal Justice System.”

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