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Legacy Training

  • How do you envision your legacy?
  • How does your agency prepare future leaders?
  • How does the community influence your agency’s mission?

Leading by Legacy logoThese are just some of the questions our trainers will challenge you to consider at a Legacy training. Creating your desired legacy requires you to take proactive steps today towards shaping future outcomes. Legacy training provides practical tools to assist you in developing your individual, organizational, and community legacy.

For information about future training events and co-hosted training opportunities, contact

Past Training Events:

  • July 2010 (Salt Lake City, UT)
  • September 2010 (Indianapolis, IN)
  • January 2011 (Austin, TX)
  • March 2011 (Charlotte, NC)
  • May 2011 (Portland, OR)
  • August 2011 (Providence, RI)
  • September 2011 (Pierre, SD)
  • November 2011 (Jackson, MS)
  • February 2012 (Phoenix, AZ)
  • May 2012 (Denver, CO)
  • July 2012 (Havana, FL)

Upcoming 2012 Training Dates:

Applications are currently being accepted for the following co-hosted training events:

Training Design

Legacy training events are:

  • Two and a half days in length, typically beginning on Saturday morning and ending mid-day on Monday.
  • No cost to participants with program fees and travel expenses covered by scholarships.
  • Limited in size with approximately 30 participants per event.
  • Interactive and intensive. The training will be delivered using a variety of interactive teaching methods whereby participants will be continuously engaged with trainers and other attendees. For enhanced learning, participants will also be required to complete pre and post-training assignments.
  • Inclusive of participants from rural agencies across the country to provide opportunities for networking and information sharing.
  • Taught using a peer-based model. All advisors are subject matter experts with significant experience in smaller law enforcement agencies.

Training Content

The training curriculum is organized into three primary course modules that focus on the concept of legacy development. The core areas include:


  • Exploring leadership concepts
  • Assessing individual leadership styles
  • Examining motivation and bases of power


  • Assessing the organization’s culture and identifying the mission, vision, and values
  • Strengthening communication and implementing change
  • Fostering leadership through mentoring & succession planning


  • Conducting community needs assessments
  • Developing partnerships in the community
  • Maintaining transparency and accountability to the community


Eligible participants must (1) be an executive, command staff, or first line supervisor; (2) anticipate serving at least three more years in their agency before transferring or retiring; and (3) serve in an agency within a rural county. Check the Eligible County List to see if your agency qualifies to participate.


Please contact Leading by Legacy program staff at:

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