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About the Bloggers

Billy Wade is an archivist within the Still Pictures Unit.  He joined the unit in 2000 and specializes in the accessioning and processing of digital and analog photography and other graphic materials, including posters.

Carol Swain is a reference archivist with the Motion Picture, Sound and Video Unit. She began working at NARA in 2009 while studying for a MLS degree at Pratt Institute in New York. Her professional life prior to NARA included work in the video production field, and with the Public Broadcasting Service and C-SPAN. She received an undergraduate degree in Broadcasting and Film from Boston University’s College of Communication. A Massachusetts native and a life-long Red Sox fan, she looks forward to a Sox/Washington Nationals World Series in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future.

Gregory Tavormina is an archives technician within the Still Pictures Unit.  Before joining NARA in 2008, he earned his MLS and a Certificate in Archives, Records Management, and Preservation from Queens College, City University of New York.  During that time he has processed manuscripts at the New-York Historical Society, developed the video archive for Manhattan Neighborhood Network, and volunteered at NARA’s Regional facility in New York City.  Outside of work, he enjoys reading, photography, learning Italian, art projects, and researching genealogy.

Laurel Macondray is an archivist with the Motion Picture, Sound and Video Unit. She began working at NARA in 2005 in the Still Pictures Unit and also worked in the Lifecycle Management Division before joining Motion Pictures in 2008.

Randall Fortson joined the National Archives and Records Administration in 2001 and was a reference librarian with the Archives Library Information Center for ten years before becoming an archives specialist with the Cartographic and Architectural Records Section at College Park, MD in 2011.  His areas of special interest include the antebellum and civil war periods of United States history.

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