
Trademark & Image Use

Want to use a U.S. Postal Service® trademark or image in your film or other media or do you wish to film on U.S. Postal Service premises?

Use of Trademarks and Images in Media, Broadcast and Film
All requests for use of the U.S. Postal Service logo and other trademarks (such as the registered image of collection box, mail truck, stamp, and so forth) in film, television or theater must be reviewed by the Rights and Permissions office.

In addition, if you would like to purchase a uniform for your production, the U.S. Postal Service uniform coordinator will assist your production company in obtaining the uniform.

Required Information
If you would like to use a U.S. Postal Service trademark or uniform in motion picture, television and theatrical productions, your completed application should also include the following:

  1. Synopsis of the production
  2. Script pages where a U.S. Postal Service trademarked item will be featured (for example, a character puts letters into a collection box).
  3. Any other details you believe would be helpful in reviewing your request.


Still Photography
For Personal Use: Informal snapshots from handheld cameras for personal use may be allowed at the discretion of the Postmaster so long as there is no disruption to Postal Service™ operations and provided the pictures are taken from areas accessible to the public. In these cases, no prior permission is required from the Office of Rights and Permissions; however, no lighting or scaffolding may be set up, and Postal Service employees, customers, cover of mail and security cameras cannot be depicted in the pictures. Postmasters may restrict any and all photography if they determine that it is disruptive or there are potential security concerns.

All other photography: Permission to take professional grade photographs on Postal Service premises requires a license and/or Location Agreement prior to taking any photographs. This includes documentary and student film-makers and photographers as well as non-profits.

Requests from News Media for Reporting: All requests from qualified news reporting services to film or photograph on Postal Service premises must be coordinated through the local Public Affairs and Communications representative. Contact information is located on the Media Relations web pages: http://about.usps.com/news/media-contacts/welcome.htm.

Requests to Film on USPS Premises
Filming on Postal premises requires a Location Agreement with the U.S. Postal Service, even if the use is non-commercial.

Filming often requires the coordination of several USPS® parties such as a local Postmaster or letter carrier. You will also be required to present a certificate of insurance at least three days prior to filming, naming the U.S. Postal Service as an additional insured party. Due to such constraints, allow approximately 30 days from the date of your initial request to the desired date of filming.

Location Fees
An hourly or daily fee is charged for filming on Postal Premises or using Postal property. The fee is based on the location of the Post Offices™, size of the production and the amount of disruption that may be caused to the U.S. Postal Service. Location fees are also charged for the use of Postal trucks and other vehicles in filming.