Expenditure Management

Reforming Budget Systems (Best Practices)

Attached Document: 
Browne, Eileen
Document Type: 
June 1, 2010

Summary: This study, part of the Fiscal Reform and Economic Governance project's "Best Practices" series, has three core purposes. First, it is meant to underscore the fundamental importance of budgetary institutions in fostering responsive, responsible, and accountable governance. Second, it is written to highlight some of the keys to successful budget and PFM reform based on international experiences.

Reforming Budget Systems (Full Study)

Browne, Eileen
Document Type: 
June 1, 2010

Summary: This study, part of the Fiscal Reform and Economic Governance project's "Best Practices" series, has three core purposes. First, it is meant to underscore the fundamental importance of budgetary institutions in fostering responsive, responsible, and accountable governance. Second, it is written to highlight some of the keys to successful budget and PFM reform based on international experiences.

Fiscal Reform

Supporting USAID's efforts to help developing countries implement sound fiscal reforms

USAID/EGAT’s Fiscal Reform and Economic Governance Project is designed to provide technical leadership and support to USAID field missions in addressing:

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