DDESS/Fort Knox/Scott Middle School

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Scott Middle School
Where Bulldogs "Paws" to Think

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Dress Code: Fort Knox High School and Scott Middle School
The Fort Knox Community Schools maintains a dress code to foster a safe, orderly, and professional learning environment for our youth and to align with the Vision Statement of “Prepare students to be productive members of a global society.” Proper appearance not only makes a good impression to others but also has shown to have a high relationship to behavior and preparation of students for future endeavors. The students represent the United States, our military, and Fort Knox, and their dress should be conducive to demonstrate that representation properly.

Dress Code
The Dress Code or appropriate school issued uniform is in effect for all students when they are representing the FKCS.

The Dress Code is not as structured for activities after the school day. However, the administration always expects clothes to be appropriate and properly worn. The Principal reserves the right to prohibit a particular item of clothing or accessory if he or she determines that the item presents a safety concern or that the item is materially and substantively disruptive to the learning environment. The Principal has the authority to declare special dress days at his or her discretion. This authority may not be delegated. The Board of Education retains the right to quickly recommend additional restrictions for the safety of the students and school system. An example would be if there is a concern about possible gang affiliation.
Absent major challenges in the existing dress code, this policy will not be considered for review or changes until Academic Year 2013-14. Rev.: 20 Jan 2011

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