Sep 24, 2012



Congressman Pledges to Continue Work for Solution to Debt Crisis

Congressman Tom Reed has been named among a bi-partisan group of 38 House members as winners of the Paul E. Tsongas Economic Patriot Award given by the non-partisan Concord Coalition. The Concord Coalition is co-chaired by former U.S. Senators Warren B. Rudman (R) and Sam Nunn (D).

The Concord Coalition honored the group, comprised of 16 Republicans and 22 Democrats, for “standing up to pressure from colleagues and special interests” in support of the compromise budget introduced by Reps. Jim Cooper (D) and Steve LaTourette (R). “They point the way, very courageously, that must be followed by our nation,” former Sen. Nunn said in a press release. USA Today called the group a “tiny band” of heroes in the “soul-destroying process” last spring.

Reed called the award an acknowledgement of the bi-partisan approach he has taken to governing. “My opinions on how to deal with debt and economy are well-documented and I remain frustrated at inaction and those who are all about short-term politics and gimmicks,” Reed said. “However, no matter what happens on Election Day, we are going to have to come together and work out  solutions to debt, spending and deficit problems that get worse with every passing day.”

As he has introduced legislation and amendments to bills throughout his first full term, Reed has regularly reached across the aisle. He has worked  with Democratic co-sponsors and supporters for many of his efforts including funding nuclear waste clean-up, streamlining construction and infrastructure projects for safety and job creation, expanding use of local bonds, and improving the H-2A program for family farms.  

“I will continue to work to find common ground with anyone who is seriously interested in getting something done,” Reed pledged.  “We need honest conversation, with everything on the table, about how to make significant changes to save money.”
