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The Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program allows federal, state, and local agencies and other organizations to combine resources to support transportation research studies. See the About page for more information.

Through this web site you can:

Read about proposed studies that you can join to pursue your research interests and extend your research capabilities.
Sign up to be notified of new studies as they are proposed.
Browse and Search to learn about studies that will improve the safety, mobility, and cost-effectiveness of transportation.

If you are an authorized user, you can also:

Locate partners interested in supporting your research efforts.
Maximize your financial resources for research by committing your funds to proposed studies.
Review your financial commitments.
For members of technical advisory committees, read study documents.

Communication and Outreach

TPF Funding Reconciliation Information

  • Funding Reconciliation Spreadsheet (As of February 02, 2011):  Click Here
  • Excel Spreadsheet of Closed Projects (As of April 4, 2011):   Click Here

TPF Webinar Information (click here)

Funding Transfer Information

The information provided below is a complete list of funding transfers for FY 2007 - 2010, as well as the most current listing of funding transfers for FY 2011 (as of May 03, 2011). The FY 2011 spreadsheet will be updated each week on Monday.

Please Note: If a transfer request for a specific project is not listed in any of the links below, please consult with your local FHWA Division office, as it has not been received by the FHWA Office of Budget.

  FY 2007  FY 2008  FY 2009  FY 2010  FY 2011 (Current)

Transportation Pooled Fund Procedures

  • TPF Program Procedures Manual (Final Draft: April 2010):  Click Here
Please contact Lisa Williams at or at 202-493-3375 if you have any questions.

Copyright statement and legal notices
Please send comments, suggestions, and queries to the Webmaster.