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COMMITS NexGen Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC)

COMMITS NexGen expired on July 20, 2011. Existing task order options may be exercised at the government’s discretion and must end by January 20, 2016.


Name Format Size Publish date
COMMITS NexGen Conformed Contract PDF 248k 10/01/2009
Modification 12
This file contains contract modification 12 to extend the ordering period by six months.

To view previous modifications, please contact the Small Business GWAC Division.
PDF 251k 12/10/2010


Industry partners

Name Format Size Publish date
COMMITS NexGen Industry Partners Excel 85k 06/07/2011

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Todd Tekesky
(816) 823-2468

Small Business GWAC Division
(877) 327-8732

COMMITS, NexGen, GWAC, governmentwide acquisition contract,contract, expired contract