Center for Officer Safety and Wellness

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Officer safety and wellness has always been the IACP’s top priority. Our organizational belief is that no injury to or death of a law enforcement professional is acceptable. In support of this belief and further demonstration of our commitment the IACP has established the Center for Officer Safety and Wellness. The vision of the Center for Officer Safety and Wellness is to enhance the law enforcement profession’s ability to be well equipped, well trained, and physically and mentally prepared to confront violence and other threats and dangers inherent in policing.

Officer Safety & Wellness at the IACP

Click here for just a few examples of the ongoing officer safety and wellness initiatives within the IACP.

The Life of an Officer 

Officer safety and wellness runs the length of a life of an officer. From recruitment to the academy to day-to-day work to in-service training, and even life after the job, officer safety and wellness plays a key role in all phases of an officer’s life. Therefore the IACP’s commitment an officer’s safety and well being endures with this understanding.  

Preventing Law Enforcement Officer Suicide

Each year, more law enforcement officers die because of suicide than are killed in the line of duty. Many agencies lack the resources to prevent officer suicide from occurring and are unprepared to respond effectively to it when it does.

Center Elements 

To learn more about the Center elements click here.

Safety & Wellness by the Numbers

Average number of assaults per year against law enforcement (2001-2010) 

Law Enforcement officers felonious killed in the line-of-duty (2001-2010) 

Law enforcement officers killed in automobile and motorcycle crashes (2001-2010) 

Estimated number of law enforcement suicides per year


Law Enforcement Officers Killed by Felonious Assault in 2011






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