Current Weather Conditions for Williston, North Dakota, approximately 22 Miles Northeast of the Mouth of the Yellowstone River

S 2 4 0631 AT 000 ASUS43 KBI


Temperature: 30° F

Dew Point: 26° F

Relative Humidity: 85%

Wind: from the southwest at 3 mph

Barometric Pressure: 29.77 inches and steady

President Thomas Jefferson's instructions to Captain Meriwether Lewis regarding the weather

. . . . Your observations are to be taken with great pains & accuracy, to be entered distinctly, & intelligibly for others as well as yourself, to comprehend all the elements necessary. . . .

Other object worthy of notice will be . . . . climate as characterized by the thermometer, by the proportion of rainy, cloudy & clear days, by lightening, hail, snow, ice, by the access & recess of frost, by the winds prevailing at different seasons. . . .

. . . . Given under my hand at the city of Washington, this 20th day of June 1803.

Th. Jefferson
Pr. U S. of America