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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Plans, Policy and Operations (PP&O)
In both joint and service functions, the Plans, Policies, and Operations (PP&O) department is structured and chartered to serve as the Commandant's principle staff agency for the development and articulation of a wide spectrum of concepts, plans, and policies; and to direct and supervise execution and/or implementation of those policies.
About PP&O

The Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations (DC, PP&O) performs a dual mission:

  • Is the Operations Deputy (OpsDep) for the Commandant on all Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) matters. Serves as the focal point for the interface between the Marine Corps (as one of the four Services) and the joint and combined activities of the JCS and the unified Commanders-in-Chief, and various allied and other foreign Defense agencies
  • Is responsible for coordinating the development and execution of service plans and policies related to the structure, deployment, and employment of Marine Corps forces in general

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Contact Information
Phone: (703) 614-8552