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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Office of Counsel for the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CL)


The mission of the Office of Counsel for the Commandant, including its field offices, is to provide comprehensive and timely legal advice and support to the Commandant, Headquarters staff agencies, and Marine Corps operating and supporting establishments in the areas of business and commercial law including environmental law, land use, civilian personnel law, procurement and fiscal law, government ethics, and all other matters under the cognizance of the General Counsel of the Navy.

Contact Information
Office of Counsel, Commandant of the Marine Corps
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon, Room 4E475
Washington, DC 20350-3000

Phone: (703) 697-5357
or: (703) 614-2150/2490
Fax: (703) 693-4453

Emblem of the Counsel for the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CL)
Emblem of the Counsel for the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CL)