NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Harvey Wasserman

Harvey J. Wasserman , Ph.D.
HPC Consultant ,
Phone: (510) 486-4750 , Fax: (510) 486-4316
1 Cyclotron Road
Mail Stop 943-256
Berkeley, CA 94720

Biographical Sketch

Consultant Harvey Wasserman has been involved in workload characterization, benchmarking, and system evaluation at NERSC and at Los Alamos National Laboratory for over 24 years.  He helps run NERSC's requirements gathering workshops and also helps to organize the SC supercomputer conference series.  One of his interests at NERSC is in tracking down and publicizing recent scientific discoveries made by NERSC users.

Journal Articles

J. Levesque, J. Larkin, M. Foster, J. Glenski, G. Geissler, S. Whalen, B. Waldecker, J. Carter, D. Skinner, H. He, others, “Understanding and mitigating multicore performance issues on the amd opteron architecture”, January 1, 2007,

Conference Papers

Keith R. Jackson, Ramakrishnan, Muriki, Canon, Cholia, Shalf, J. Wasserman, Nicholas J. Wright, “Performance Analysis of High Performance Computing Applications on the Amazon Web Services Cloud”, CloudCom, Bloomington, Indiana, January 1, 2010, 159-168,


J. Shalf, K. Antypas, H.J. Wasserman, Recent Workload Characterization Activities at NERSC, Santa Fe Workshop, January 1, 2008,


Richard A. Gerber, Harvey J. Wasserman, “Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Nuclear Physics”, Workshop, March 26, 2012, LBNL LBNL-5355E

Report of the user requirements workshop for lattice gauge theory and nuclear physics computation at NERSC that took place May 26, 2011

Richard A. Gerber, Harvey J. Wasserman, “Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Advanced Computational Science Research”, Workshop, January 2012, LBNL LBNL-5249E

Richard A. Gerber, Harvey J. Wasserman, “Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Fusion Energy Sciences”, Workshop, December 2011,

Richard A. Gerber, Harvey J. Wasserman, “Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Basic Energy Sciences”, Workshop, June 10, 2011, LBNL LBNL-4809E

Richard A. Gerber, Harvey J. Wasserman, “Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for High Energy Physics”, Workshop, November 15, 2010,

Richard A. Gerber, Harvey J. Wasserman, “Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Biological and Environmental Research”, Workshop, October 19, 2009, LBNL LBNL-2710E

K. Antypas, J. Shalf, H. Wasserman, “NERSC-6 Workload Analysis and Benchmark Selection Process”, January 1, 2008,


Jonathan Carter, Yun (Helen) He, John Shalf, Hongzhang Shan, Erich Strohmaier, and Harvey Wasserman, The Performance Effect of Multi-Core on Scientific Applications,, January 1, 2007,