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Common Fields

Common Field Description
[see RFC]  ACCESSION Genbank/EMBL/DDBJ accession number
[see RFC]  AMPLIFICATION_FORWARD The forward amplification primer sequence
[see RFC]  AMPLIFICATION_REVERSE The reverse amplification primer sequence
[see RFC]  AMPLIFICATION_SIZE The expected amplification size for a pair of primers
[see RFC]  ANONYMIZED_ID Anonymous ID for an individual
[see RFC]  ATTEMPT Number of times the sequencing project has been attempted by the center and/or submitted to the Trace Archive.
[see RFC]  CENTER_NAME Name of the sequencing center
[see RFC]  CENTER_PROJECT Center defined project name
[see RFC]  CHEMISTRY Description of the chemistry used in the sequencing reaction
[see RFC]  CHEMISTRY_TYPE Type of chemistry used in the sequencing reaction
[see RFC]  CHROMOSOME Chromosome to which the trace is assigned
[see RFC]  CLONE_ID The name of the clone from which the trace was derived
[see RFC]  CLONE_ID_LIST Semi-colon delimited list of clones if the Strategy is PoolClone
[see RFC]  COLLECTION_DATE The full date, in "Mar 2 2006 12:00AM" format, on which an environmental sample was collected
[see RFC]  CVECTOR_ACCESSION Repository ( GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ) accession identifier for the cloning vector
[see RFC]  CVECTOR_CODE Center defined code for the cloning vector
[see RFC]  DEPTH Depth (in meters) at which an environmental sample was collected
[see RFC]  ELEVATION Elevation (in meters) at which an environmental sample was collected
[see RFC]  ENVIRONMENT_TYPE Type of environment from which an environmental sample was collected
[see RFC]  EXTENDED_DATA Extra ancillary information wrapped around in a EXTENDED_DATA block, where actual values are provided with a special "field" tag"
[see RFC]  FEATURE_ID_FILE_NAME Reference to a common FEATURE_ID_FILE
[see RFC]  GENE_NAME Gene name or some other common identifier
[see RFC]  HI_FILTER_SIZE The largest filter used to stratify an environmental sample
[see RFC]  HOST_CONDITION The condition of the host from which an environmental sample was obtained
[see RFC]  HOST_ID Unique identifier for the specific host from which an environmental sample was taken
[see RFC]  HOST_LOCATION Specific location on the host from which an environmental sample was collected
[see RFC]  HOST_SPECIES The host from which an environmental sample was obtained
[see RFC]  INDIVIDUAL_ID Publicly available identifier to denote a specific individual or sample from which a trace was derived
[see RFC]  INSERT_FLANK_LEFT Left flanking sequence at the cloning junction
[see RFC]  INSERT_FLANK_RIGHT Right flanking sequence at the cloning junction
[see RFC]  INSERT_SIZE Expected size of the insert (referred to by the value in the TEMPLATE_ID field) in base pairs
[see RFC]  INSERT_STDEV Approximate standard deviation of value in INSERT_SIZE field
[see RFC]  LATITUDE The latitude measurement (using standard GPS notation) from which a sample was collected
[see RFC]  LIBRARY_ID The source of the clone identified in the CLONE_ID field
[see RFC]  LONGITUDE The longitude measurement (using standard GPS notation) from which a sample was collected
[see RFC]  LO_FILTER_SIZE The smallest filter size used to stratify an environmental sample
[see RFC]  NCBI_PROJECT_ID Project ID generated by the Genome Project database at NCBI/NLM/NIH
[see RFC]  ORGANISM_NAME Description of species for BARCODE project from which trace is derived
[see RFC]  PH The pH at which an environmental sample was collected
[see RFC]  PICK_GROUP_ID Id to group traces picked at the same time
[see RFC]  PLACE_NAME Country in which the biological sample was collected and/or common name for a given location
[see RFC]  PLATE_ID Submitter defined plate id
[see RFC]  POPULATION_ID Center provided id to designate a population from which a trace (or group of traces) was derived
[see RFC]  PREP_GROUP_ID Id to group traces prepared at the same time
[see RFC]  PRIMER The primer sequence (used in the sequencing reaction)
[see RFC]  PRIMER_CODE Identifier for the sequencing primer used
[see RFC]  PROGRAM_ID The program used to create the trace file
[see RFC]  PROJECT_NAME Term by which to group traces based on a common project.
[see RFC]  REFERENCE_ACCESSION Reference accession (use accession and version to specify a particular instance of a sequence) used as the basis for a re-sequencing project. In case of Comparative strategy show the basis for primers design
[see RFC]  REFERENCE_ACC_MAX Finish position for a particular amplicon in re-sequencing or comparative projects
[see RFC]  REFERENCE_ACC_MIN Start position for a particular amplicon in re-sequencing or comparative projects
[see RFC]  REFERENCE_SET_MAX Finish position for a entire re-sequencing region. This region may include several amplicons
[see RFC]  REFERENCE_SET_MIN Start position for a entire re-sequencing region. This region may include several amplicons
[see RFC]  RUN_DATE Date the sequencing reaction was run
[see RFC]  RUN_GROUP_ID Id to group traces run on the same machine
[see RFC]  RUN_LANE Lane or capillary of the trace
[see RFC]  RUN_MACHINE_ID ID of the specific sequencing machine on which a trace was obtained
[see RFC]  RUN_MACHINE_TYPE Type or model of machine on which a trace was obtained
[see RFC]  SALINITY The salinity at which an environmental sample was collected measured in parts per thousand units (promille)
[see RFC]  SEQ_LIB_ID Center specified M13/PUC library that is actually sequenced
[see RFC]  SOURCE_TYPE Source of the DNA
[see RFC]  SPECIES_CODE Description of species from which trace is derived
[see RFC]  STRAIN Strain from which a trace is derived
[see RFC]  STRATEGY Experimental STRATEGY
[see RFC]  SUBMISSION_TYPE Type of submission: new, update...
[see RFC]  SVECTOR_ACCESSION GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession of the sequencing vector
[see RFC]  SVECTOR_CODE Center defined code for the sequencing vector
[see RFC]  TEMPERATURE The temperature (in oC) at which an environmental sample was collected
[see RFC]  TEMPLATE_ID Submitter defined identifier for the sequencing template
[see RFC]  TRACE_END Defines the end of the template contained in the read
[see RFC]  TRACE_FILE Filename with the trace
[see RFC]  TRACE_FORMAT Format of the trace file (scf, abi...)
[see RFC]  TRACE_TYPE_CODE Sequencing strategy by which the trace was obtained
[see RFC]  TRANSPOSON_ACC GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession for transposon used in generating sequencing template
[see RFC]  TRANSPOSON_CODE Center defined code for transposon used in generating sequencing template
[see RFC]  WELL_ID Center defined well identifier for the sequencing reaction