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Sharing OPIC’s story: A conversation with Judith Pryor, Vice President of Office of External Affairs

July 31, 2012

In your experience, what is it that people find most interesting about OPIC’s work and what do they find most surprising? It varies by audience, of course, but in general OPIC’s project success stories are what people are most interested in. People like to hear how two college friends who traveled through Brazil came up with the idea to introduce
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Sustainable Development with Accountability

June 28, 2012

By Dr. Keith Kozloff, Director, OPIC Office of Accountability One of the many ways the world has evolved since the first Rio Earth Summit 20 years ago is that local communities now have a stronger voice in the development being considered and occurring in their own backyards.  One of the principles to come out of the 1992 Earth Summit stated
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Looking to Rio: Connecting the dots between environment and development

June 20, 2012

Later this week, as thousands of world leaders gather with the global development and business communities at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil, they will focus on some of the seemingly incompatible challenges facing a world with a rapidly growing population and diminishing natural resources. Global energy consumption is expected to be 30% to 40% higher
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Project profile: Brazilian plant supports growth of U.S. juice maker

October 21, 2011

Sambazon Inc. of San Clemente, Calif. was formed in 2000 when a couple of friends traveling in Brazil noticed the local popularity of the antioxidant-rich açai berry and saw an opportunity to introduce it into the U.S. They started by purchasing a container of frozen pulp and peddling it to juice bars in southern California, but as sales took off
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Small firms also have a role in the global economy

October 18, 2011

OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield recently published a piece in the Miami Herald about the economic benefits of small businesses expanding into developing markets overseas. Attached is the full text of the piece, which can also be found at MiamiHerald.com Today’s business news is dominated by the affairs of America’s largest corporations, like Apple, Boeing, GE and Google. The
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