Blog Posts Tagged 'budget'

Republican Leadership Press Conference

It's only days away until the devastating sequester--a trigger by President Obama--will take effect on March 1st, 2013. The House has passed two replacements to the sequester with responsible spending cuts and serious reforms to get our economy back on track. Democrats in Washington must work with us to find a solution to the President's damaging [...]  More

Democratic Leaders Don't Believe Washington Has a Spending Problem

Add House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer to the list of Democrats who don’t believe Washington has a spending problem. When asked point blank on CNBC’s Squawk Box this morning whether or not Washington has a spending problem, the minority whip refused to answer.  This comes on the heels of Nancy Pelosi’s appearance on Fox News Su [...]  More

Balancing Budgets

Click here for a larger version  More

2/5/13 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans are serious about the need to address our government's out of control spending. The same can't be said for the President and Senate Democrats. For the fourth time, the president's budget is once again late, and the Democrat-controlled Senate has not even passed a budget in nearly four years. In order to get spending under control [...]  More

Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In this week's address, Congresswoman Susan Brooks (R-IN) gives an update on our efforts to get our economy moving again and the importance of having a budget. "Each of the last two years, the Republican-led House has passed a responsible budget that addresses what's driving our debt in order to put our country on a path to prosperity," she says. [...]  More


Hardworking American families and small businesses have a budget, yet Senate Democrats have failed to pass a budget – the most basic responsibility of governing – for almost four years. That shameful record must end, this year. That's why the House passed No Budget, No Pay. House Republicans have passed a responsible budget in each of [...]  More


Hardworking American families and small businesses have a budget, yet Senate Democrats have failed to pass a budget – the most basic responsibility of governing – for almost four years. That shameful record must end, this year. That's why the House passed No Budget, No Pay. House Republicans have passed a responsible budget in each of [...]  More

1,350 Days since the U.S. Senate Passed a Budget

Today marks 1,350 days since the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate passed a budget. The Republican-led House of Representatives has passed two budgets in that time, keeping our commitment to the American people to reign in Washington's wasteful spending and preserve the futures of our children and grandchildren. Spending is the problem, and Senate D [...]  More

6/6/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference

Today House Republican leaders, joined by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, discussed the importance of preventing any tax increase to provide certainty to America's job creators. Even President Bill Clinton and Larry Summers agree -- taxes should not be raised on anyone in the Obama economy. House Republicans continue to work to cut spend [...]  More

Rep. Paul Ryan (r-wi) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address

In this week's address, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan discusses the House Republican Budget, The Path to Prosperity.  It is a responsible budget that tackles our fiscal crisis and protects future generations from a crushing burden of debt. This weekend (April 29) marks exactly 3 years since the Democrat-controlled Senate last pass [...]  More

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Speaker Boehner announced yesterday that House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address tomorrow, Saturday, April 28. Here is a behind-the-scenes look at Chairman Ryan delivering the address, in which he'll discuss House Republicans' Path to Prosperity. This weekend marks exactly 3 years since the [...]  More

Understanding President Obama

A recent news report highlighted a new course to be offered by Harvard Law School titled, “Understanding Obama.” Before you enroll, take a minute to ruminate on the 10 facts below and consider your course on “Understanding Obama” complete. Click here for a large version    More

The Buffett Ruse

The chart below illustrates how much the Buffett Rule would reduce our annual deficit. You many need a magnifying glass. Click here for a larger version  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans are set to vote on our budget for fiscal year 2013. The president's budget had no support from Democrats or Republicans because the president simply doesn't take our debt seriously. The House Republican budget cuts $5 trillion more than the president's and it saves Medicare from bankruptcy. We're working hard to take care of our [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

Today, House Republicans on the Budget Committee will outline our Fiscal Year 2013 budget proposal. This budget will tackle our economic crisis responsibly and effectively, addressing our growing deficits while ensuring our nation's seniors are taken care of. In addition to the budget, the House will vote to repeal IPAB this week which is the boar [...]  More

The Path to Prosperity Budget: Your Country. Your Future. Your Choice.

@RepPaulRyan: If you agree it’s morally wrong to ignore the most predictable crisis in U.S. history, this is your budget:   More

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In the Weekly Republican Address, House Republican Conference Vice-Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) discusses the failure and lack of leadership behind the president's budget proposal for the 2013 fiscal year. His budget pretends to cut spending that's already enacted into law, and he fails to address the true economic challenges our count [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

The president released his budget for fiscal year 2013 on Monday, and it shows nothing but a lack of leadership. He's added a trillion dollars in budget deficits every year he's been in office. The Senate hasn't even passed a budget in over 1,000 days. House Republicans are leading and have the solutions to move our country forward: [...]  More

President Obama's Monster Budget | Office of the Majority Whip

@GOPWHIP: BEWARE: Feb.13th marks return of POTUS' Monster Budget. We have to stop it, before it’s too late:  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

The House has passed 30 jobs bills, and 27 sit idle in the Democrat-controlled Senate. The president is late submitting his budget to Congress... again. House Republicans are serious about cutting spending and reducing the size of government. It's time for Senate Democrats and the president to join us to help grow our economy.   More

1,000 Days

Today marks 1,000 days since the Democrat-controlled Senate passed a budget.  A lot can be done in 1,000 days.  The Pentagon could be built- twice.  The United States Constitution could be drafted, approved, and enacted- twice.  But for Senate Democrats, it is still not enough time to pass a budget.  It is inexcusable to o [...]  More

House Republicans for a Balanced Budget Amendment

This week, House Republican freshmen Members held a press conference to discuss the importance of passing a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution and how now is the time for a permanent solution to our nation’s spending-driven debt crisis. We need a balanced budget amendment to ensure a prosperous future for our ch [...]  More

11/15/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

In this week's press conference, House Republicans highlight our continued effort to provide an environment for small businesses to hire. There are 20 bipartisan jobs bills that have passed the House and are sitting in the Democrat-controlled Senate. We are also pushing for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It's the only way we [...]  More

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) delivers the Weekly Republican Address, focusing on working toward a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It's common sense that our government should live within its means and the only way to permanently force the federal government to do this is to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constituti [...]  More

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Speaker of the House John Boehner announced yesterday that Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address tomorrow, Saturday, September 3. Here's a sneak peek of Rep. Goodlatte giving the address, which will focus on a push for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. We must stop Washington's reckless spending [...]  More

House Republicans Hold Press Conference on the Balanced Budget Amendment

House Republicans gathered today to discuss the need for a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution in order to get our nation back on a fiscally sustainable path and create jobs for Americans. The president is currently presiding over the worst economy since the Great Depression. In order to turn this economy around House Republicans ar [...]  More

Rep. Kevin Yoder on Jobs and the Economy

@RepKevinYoder: Talking #4JOBS, the economy and the budget with Greg Knapp on 710 AM   More

The Path to Prosperity (Episode 2): Saving Medicare, Visualized


Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) on CNN's "State of the Union"

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” yesterday morning to highlight House Republicans’ efforts to cut spending and create an environment for job creation in America.  Watch the full interview: Highlights from the interview:  On Our Nation’s Debt and Defi [...]  More

Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) Discusses Plan to Preserve and Protect Medicare on NBC's "Meet the Press"

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (WI) appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” yesterday to discuss his recent FY2012 budget proposal, which has been hailed as “the first credible plan endorsed by either party for preserving [Medicare]” (Wall Street Journal, 4/6/11).In the interview, Chairman Ryan points out that &l [...]  More

4/5/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan introduced his budget for the 2012 fiscal year. The budget resolution cuts $6.2 trillion in government spending over the next decade. House Republican leaders applaud Chairman Ryan's leadership in proposing spending cuts that will grow our economy and create millions of private-sector jobs in our co [...]  More

The Path to Prosperity: America's two futures, visualized

We have the choice of two futures--cut spending and lead our nation out of debt, or continue down a path that destroys our economy. This excellent video from Chairman Paul Ryan of the House Budget Committee illustrates the need to cut spending NOW:   More

Chairman Jeb Hensarling on President Obama's Budget Proposal

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling talked with CNN about President Obama's budget proposal for the 2012 fiscal year and the problems it poses for job creation in the future.   More

Budgets, Taxes and Spending: Graphs and Charts

We know it's easier to understand things when you can see them laid out. That's why the House Republican Conference has produced a packed of graphs and charts for your easy use and comprehension. See these documents below. If you'd like to use the images for your own site, you can download the PDF here.   More

Rep. Jim Jordan Fights to "Get a Handle" on the Spending (VIDEO)

Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) goes on record to recognize the GOP's fight to "get a handle" on the out of control spending Democrats have perpetrated on America. Watch the video here:   More

Tomorrow: Rep. Mike Pence Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Rep. Mike Pence will deliver this week's Weekly Republican Address. Check tomorrow morning for the first look:   More

Djou Scolds Democrats For Lack of Budget (VIDEO)

Rep. Charles Djou (HI) took to the House floor to criticize President Obama and the Democrats for not creating a budget. Watch his remarks here:   More

Will President Obama Address America's Question: Where are the Jobs?

Follow @GOPConference on Twitter | Like on Facebook | Sign Up For Email Updates President Obama will address the nation today regarding the nation's economy but will he answer America's key question: where are the jobs? Unemployment is currently at 9.5% and the President's policies have failed to help. Read an excerpt of an article covering today [...]  More

Brady: Stimulus Report Deserves a Pulitzer for Fiction

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX) explains why the White House Council of Economic Advisers report on the "stimulus" deserves a Pulitzer for fiction. Watch it here:   More

Republicans Respond to Job Killing Financial Bill

House Republicans came out in full force last night against the Democrats' financial reform bill. Many assert the bill, which passed last night, will kill jobs, fund permanant bailouts and push the economy into further jeopardy. See excerpts of several responses to the bill below: Rep. Judy Biggert (IL): I thought its purpose was to rein in Wall S [...]  More

Why did Democrats decide to ignore a budget?

From the House Republican Conference Policy Team: House Democrat Leader Steny Hoyer has finally admitted the sad truth that Democrats had been avoiding since the April 15 deadline to pass a federal budget came and went over two months ago—the House will not pass a budget resolution for the first time since modern budgeting began. According t [...]  More

The Road to Recovery Begins Here

House Republicans today released the "Republican Road to Recovery," an 18-page booklet specificying the steps they will take to find economic prosperity again. The press conference unveiled a long awaited plan from Budget Committee leadership. House Leader John Boehner kicked things off, offering the chapter by chapter plan as an alternative to t [...]  More

Let the Sunshine In

In the middle of a tumultuous budget battle and a recently passed omnibus with nearly 9,000 earmarks, Sunshine Week comes an at appropriate time. The week is an effort by government transparency supporters to encourage openness and enhance discussion. Several organizations are hosting events this week and the site boasts an impressive list of part [...]  More

The Facts Are On Our Side

Republicans have a few big things on their side when it comes to the economy: the facts. These include statistics proving record breaking job loss, a historic budget imbalance and a deficit forecasted at $10.99 trillion by 2012. The recently passed stimulus and omnibus packages have contributed to these disasterous circumstances. On the new GOP Po [...]  More

Pence: "Sacrifices are being made everywhere but Washington, D.C."

On the House floor today, Rep. Mike Pence continued the Republican message that the federal goverment "spends too much, borrows too much and taxes too much." His statement lends to the growing support for this message, including conservative Democrats concerned with their Party's massive spending. Pence's statement today: “During these diffi [...]  More