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Related NGC Guidelines

The list below identifies measures with associated guidelines available through the National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) Web site External Web Site Policy.

A   B   C   I   J   K   P   All
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation/American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association
Cardiac rehabilitation: percentage of eligible inpatients with a qualifying event/diagnosis who have been referred to an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program prior to hospital discharge or have a documented medical or patient-centered reason why such a referral was not made. NQMC:006903
Cardiac rehabilitation: percentage of patients in an outpatient clinical practice who have had a qualifying event/diagnosis during the previous 12 months, who have been referred to an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program. NQMC:006904
Australian Council on Healthcare Standards
Obstetrics: percentage of high risk women undergoing caesarean section who receive appropriate pharmacological thromboprophylaxis. NQMC:006743

Related Guideline Summaries:

Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara sustaining a perineal tear and NO episiotomy. NQMC:006737

Related Guideline Summaries:

Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara undergoing episiotomy and NO perineal tear while giving birth vaginally. NQMC:006736

Related Guideline Summaries:

Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara undergoing episiotomy AND sustaining a perineal tear while giving birth vaginally. NQMC:006738

Related Guideline Summaries:

Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara undergoing surgical repair of the perineum for fourth degree tear. NQMC:006740

Related Guideline Summaries:

Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara undergoing surgical repair of the perineum for third degree tear. NQMC:006739

Related Guideline Summaries: