ASCR Facilities

Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)

About ESnet:

The Energy Sciences Network, or ESnet, is a high-speed network serving thousands of Department of Energy researchers and collaborators worldwide. Managed and operated by the ESnet staff at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ESnet provides direct connections to more than 30 DOE sites at speeds up to 10 gigabits per second. Connectivity to the global Internet is maintained through "peering" arrangements with more than 100 other Internet service providers. Funded principally by DOE's Office of Science, ESnet allows scientists to use unique DOE research facilities and computing resources independent of time and location with state-of-the-art performance levels.


ESnet derives its effectiveness from the extensive cooperation it enjoys with its user community. It is one of the most widely based and successful cooperative efforts within the Department of Energy, perhaps within the federal government.

ESnet in the News:

ESnet Honored as One of Top 10 Government IT Innovators
ESnet was honored by InformationWeek magazine as a top 10 government agency innovator. ESnet was recognized as a member of this select group for its work helping thousands of researchers worldwide manage the massive amounts of scientific data stemming from the application of petascale supercomputers and high-precision instruments to cutting-edge disciplines such as climate science, high energy physics, astrophysics and genomics.
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ESnet was recently honored on with an Excellence.Gov award for its achievements in leveraging technology. Follow the link to see details, links for yet additional information and pictures from the award luncheon
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Steve Cotter Named Head of ESnet
Steve Cotter succeeds Bill Johnston, who is retiring from Berkeley Lab after more than 35 years.
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ESnet and Internet2 Partner for Next Generation Network
ESnet and Internet2, two of the nation's leading networking organizations dedicated to research, announced a partnership to deploy a highly reliable, high capacity nationwide network that will greatly enhance the capabilities of researchers across the country who participate in the DOE's scientific research efforts. The partnership brings together two advanced networks which have a combined 30 years of experience in providing network support to thousands of researchers around the world.
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ESnet Sites

ESnet collects network requirements from ESnet sites through meetings with site representatives at the ESnet Coordinating Committee (ESCC)External link meetings. ESnet Site Coordinators are encouraged to collect requirements from their instruments, facilities and key staff (such as Principal Investigators on large projects), especially when the requirements come from work that is not funded by DOE/SC.

Documents and Information from Past Workshops:

Last modified: 10/26/2012 12:18:44 PM