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Pistol Creek

FACT SHEET (As of September 2012)

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 Pistol Creek


US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS                                                                     BUILDING STRONG®

                                                                           FACT SHEET

                                                                     (As of September 2012)

AUTHORIZATION: Section 206 of the Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA) of 1996.


TYPE OF PROJECT: Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration


LOCATION: Maryville, Tenn.


CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Alexander (TN), Corker (TN), Duncan (TN-02)


NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR: City of Maryville, Tenn.


BACKGROUND: The Pistol Creek project includes work in two locations.  The first project site is Greenbelt Lake and the second area is within Pearson Springs Park.  Within Greenbelt Lake, there is approximately 37,000 cubic yards of sediment that has been deposited in the lake over several years.  As a result, sediment has adversely impacted the aquatic habitat within the lake and sediment now flows downstream of the impoundment and degrades the aquatic habitat in the lower Pistol Creek and Little River.  In addition to dredging the lake, bank stabilization and aquatic planting will be accomplished along the shore of the lake. 


Stream bank stabilization, wetlands enhancements and creation is planned for the Pearson Springs Park area.


The Detailed Project Report was approved in 2008 and in 2010; the city of Maryville requested the project be separated into two construction phases.  The city’s priority for construction is the dredging of Greenbelt Lake.  Approval was received in 2010 to implement the project in two construction phases under separate project partnership agreements.  The first agreement was signed in Sept. 27, 2010 and sediment removal from Greenbelt Lake is scheduled to be complete in October 2012.


IMPORTANCE:. The project will reduce sediment in Pistol Creek and provide improved aquatic habitat as a result of aquatic planting, wetlands enhancements and stream bank stabilization.


STATUS: Greenbelt Lake constructions are underway and schedule to be complete in October 2012.


BUDGET ($): Estimated project costs (Phase I plus feasibility cost) are shown below.



Total Estimated Cost

$ 3,100,000

     Federal Cost Estimate


     Non-Federal Cost Estimate




Federal Funds Data


     Allocation for FY 2011


     Allocation for FY 2012


     Balance to Complete


     President’s Budget for FY 2013


1 Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration projects are cost shared 65/35




FY 2012 Scheduled Work: Construction.


FY 2013 President’s Budget: None


COMPLETION:  Phase I construction work is on schedule for completion in 2013.


For more information regarding the Pistol Creek Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration project, contact David Bishop, CELRN-PM, phone: (615) 736-7856 or email

Corps Corps of Engineers Maryville Nashville District Pistol Creek Tennessee U.S. Army Corps of Enigneers Nashville District USACE