• U.S. Department of Energy
  • Fermilab




  • Why Neutrinos?

    Welcome to Fermilab

    Sharing energy, research, engineering, imagination, and resources, Fermilab people design, build, and operate one of the world's most intricate and powerful particle accelerators and detectors. Find out more about how people here share a sense of purpose and belonging to a community that is working to make discovery happen. Welcome!

  • Strategic Plan

    Career Opportunities

    Search exciting career opportunities using Fermilab's online job database system. If you do not find a current position that matches your experience, please fill out our Job Agent profile. If we post a position matching your skills, you can be notified immediately via email.

  • Why Work at Fermilab?

    "Lots of personal growth in areas that really matter to me. Team based efforts. Good people. Exciting work that moves the human race forward."

    "My job here is like no other that I've ever had. I feel the sense of community here."

  • Meet Our People

    The best reason to work here is the opportunity to participate in world-class research in particle physics and its supporting technologies. I am honored to work with such a wide variety of talented people from all over the world, who are excited to be associated with cutting-edge research. Finally, and critically, Fermilab supports working parents well, with an excellent day care, which both of my children attended, and family friendly policies including the vacation donation program.

Careers / Employment

Fermilab works as the world's leading particle physics lab because of people power - the people who work at Fermilab, the people who make it a community as well as a research institution.

The laboratory requires a wide variety of occupations and disciplines to support our quest to learn the universe's deepest secrets. Most notably, Engineers, IT Professionals and Technicians are in constant demand.

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Meet Our People
I am honored to work with such a wide variety of talented people from all over the world, who are excited to be associated with cutting-edge research...
Engineering Manager
I like the challenge of leading an organization through a time of significant change and growth...
Mechanical Engineer
As an engineering student, I was always excited to describe my projects to other engineering students...
Computer Professional
The cutting-edge technology, in-house creations, and variety of projects that are run on different computer clusters.