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Webinar Offers Insight on Exporting to our Neighbor to the North…Canada!

Did you know that Canada is the United States’ largest agricultural trading partner, accounting for 16 percent of all U.S. agricultural trade? In 2009, U.S. agricultural exports to Canada were valued at $15.7 billion. Geographical proximity, similar business practices and eating habits make Canada an attractive export market for new-to-export and new-to-market U.S. companies. Some of Canada’s major agricultural imports from the United States include: fresh vegetables, snack foods, fresh fruits, processed fruits and vegetables, fruit juices, red meats, forest products and fish and seafood. Read more »

USDA Rural Development Programs Benefit Bois Forte Tribe in Minnesota

The Bois Forte Tribe in northeastern Minnesota has taken a proactive approach toward economic development. As recently as 10 years ago, there were areas of the Bois Forte community that did not have safe and sanitary drinking water. Building safe and affordable housing for tribal members also was an issue, along with other infrastructure and facility needs. Read more »

Countdown to Thanksgiving: Buying the Holiday Turkey

Cross-posted from the blog.

What would Thanksgiving be without the turkey? Most of us plan our entire holiday dinner around the turkey. That’s a lot of pressure on one bird! Read more »

USDA in Utah Partners to save Traditional Building Skills

Traditional Building Skill in Action: Gage Olson uses traditional woodworking tools.

Traditional Building Skill in Action: Gage Olson uses traditional woodworking tools.

Recently Utah’s Snow College and the surrounding community gathered to celebrate the opening of the new Traditional Building Skills Institute (TBSI) building, resulting in job and educational opportunities as well as historic preservation. Read more »