The media's guides on how to quickly and clearly communicate terrorism and public health emergency messages to the public.

Terrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies: A Reference Guide for Media

Terrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies 

A Reference Guide for Media
Price: $16  (Price outside the U.S., Canada, Mexico $32)
Order number: PB2007-103659


This 269-page guide is for the people who write the words, who take the pictures, and who tell the stories about the events in our world - both ordinary and extraordinary. It is intended to provide information about how the public health system is preparing for and will respond to previously unthinkable events, such as September 11. More specifically, the guide's intent is to offer the best possible information about the worst-case scenarios.

Some of the key topics addressed are:

  • Information about the most likely biological, chemical, and radiological weapons that could be used by terrorists.
  • Unanswered questions and conflicting opinions about certain terrorist agents.
  • The emotional impact of disaster on the public and how that is likely to affect people's reactions.
  • How public health does its job in an emergency. For example, how does a disease detective track down the cause of an outbreak? When can quarantine be declared?
  • What are the emotional consequences for journalists who spend a sustained period of time covering a disaster? What can be done to help reporters shield themselves from stress and other dangers that can affect their lives and their work?



Terrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies: A Field Guide for Media

Price: $5 (Price outside the U.S., Canada, Mexico $10)

Order number: PB2007-111372

This 80-page guide is a compact companion to the broader Terrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies: A Reference Guide for Media. This version is designed to be used in the field to quickly and clearly communicate terrorism and public health emergency messages to the public.

Topics covered include:

  • Biological Agents
  • Chemical Agents
  • Radiation Emergencies
  • Defining Public Health Roles, Programs, and Terms
  • Web Sites
  • Contact Lists, Checklists, and Additional Tools


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