Table 7. Chained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (C-CPI-U): U.S. city average, by expenditure category and commodity and service group

 Table 7. Chained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (C-CPI-U): U.S. city average, by
 expenditure category and commodity and service group

 (December 1999=100, unless otherwise noted)
                                                 Relative       Unadjusted      percent change to 
                                               importance,       indexes         July 2009 from-  
                    C-CPI-U                     December                                          
                                                              June      July      July      June  
                                                              2009      2009      2008      2009  
             Expenditure category                                                                 
 All items....................................    100.000   123.967   123.711      -1.9      -0.2 
  Food and beverages..........................     14.726   127.803   127.541       1.0      -0.2 
   Food.......................................     13.648   127.830   127.532       0.8      -0.2 
    Food at home..............................      7.557   123.446   122.844      -1.0      -0.5 
    Food away from home.......................      6.091   133.493   133.605       3.1       0.1 
   Alcoholic beverages........................      1.077   127.814   128.009       2.9       0.2 
  Housing.....................................     42.421   129.093   129.087      -0.7       0.0 
   Shelter....................................     32.409   131.803   131.820       0.9       0.0 
   Fuels and utilities........................      5.004   155.357   155.640     -11.6       0.2 
   Household furnishings and operations.......      5.008    96.175    95.877       0.5      -0.3 
  Apparel.....................................      3.988    87.711    85.167       0.9      -2.9 
  Transportation..............................     17.393   123.434   122.843     -12.0      -0.5 
   Private transportation.....................     16.285   124.228   123.365     -12.0      -0.7 
   Public transportation......................      1.108   113.708   116.845     -11.5       2.8 
  Medical care................................      6.085   145.640   145.844       3.0       0.1 
   Medical care commodities...................      1.615   128.716   128.494       3.1      -0.2 
   Medical care services......................      4.470   151.876   152.260       3.0       0.3 
  Recreation..................................      5.935   105.407   105.259      -0.1      -0.1 
  Education and communication.................      6.196   109.806   110.001       2.1       0.2 
   Education..................................      2.771   173.982   174.898       5.5       0.5 
   Communication..............................      3.425    74.074    73.998      -0.5      -0.1 
  Other goods and services....................      3.257   133.342   133.960       4.3       0.5 
          Commodity and service group                                                             
 Services.....................................     58.427   134.080   134.299       0.4       0.2 
 Commodities..................................     41.573   111.619   110.811      -5.0      -0.7 
  Durables....................................     11.817    81.254    81.143      -2.0      -0.1 
 Nondurables..................................     29.756   127.352   126.133      -6.2      -1.0 
  All items less food and energy..............     77.561   118.710   118.668       1.1       0.0 
 Energy.......................................      8.790   174.606   171.687     -27.9      -1.7 

 Indexes for 2009 are initial estimates.  Indexes for 2008 are interim adjustments.
 NOTE: Index applies to a month as a whole, not to any specific date.

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Last Modified Date: August 14, 2009