Thursday, February 21, 2013
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Cooperative Development Team Training Event

120615ncissThe NATO Communications and Information Systems School (NCISS) hosted an Allied Command Transformation (ACT) led annual training event from 11-14 June 2012 in Latina, Italy. Over 48 students from numerous commands and partner countries attended the event to learn how to plan, develop and maintain e-Learning.

"This was the fourth year we have led this training event, and this year was our largest audience, clearly stating that e-Learning is a growing capability within NATO, NATO nations and partners", said Paul Thurkettle from the ACT Joint Education, Training and Exercise Division.

120615cdt lgAs part of the courses students were required to build a programme from concept based on the structure and function of NCSA and NCISS. Between the individual track theory sessions, the practical is woven in over the four days with the teams presenting their newly designed programme and experiences on the last day. "It is quite amazing how good the final presentations are considering on day one most of the students have no experience in e-Learning", said Dr. Gökay Sϋrsal, ACT section head.

"By continuing to build our community, it helps ACT and NATO as these teams will provide content that can be used by all of NATO and our nations" stated Thurkettle.

ACT leads NATO's development of e-Learning. Courses can be found at