Protecting Intellectual Property

Protecting Intellectual Property

  • ANY public disclosure made before a patent application has been filed--most foreign rights are lost.  A thesis/dissertation defense constitutes a public disclosure; If a student must defend before the application process is complete, talk to Stacy Joiner or Deb Covey at least a week in advance of the defense.


  • If you want to talk with non-Ames Laboratory researchers or an outside company about your Intellectual Property that is not part of the public domain, notify Beth Ebert at the Ames Lab Office of Sponsored Administration, 4-6486; ebert@ameslab, to obtain a Non-Disclsosure Agreement.


  • If you're preparing a proposal or presentation that involves Intellectual Property and a patent application has not been filed, please check our guidelines here.  If you're not sure where your IP is at in the patenting process, please contact Stacy Joiner at 4-5932, or email at


  • Protect your laboratory notebook.  Keep it in a locked cabinet or locked room with limited access.  If stored electronically, keep it on the Moderate Enclave.