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IACP Section Membership Application

Section Membership Application
IACP Membership is a prerequisite for Section Membership.
Click here to Join a Section.

IACP Membership is a prerequisite for Section Membership.
Click here to join a section.

Capitol Police Section
Promotes exchange of information and develops standards for increasing the efficiency and capabilities of each law enforcement agency that provides service to our critical assets. Open to individuals who are now, or have been, engaged in or responsible for providing police services at a national or state/providence State House.

Defense Chiefs of Police Section
Promotes an exchange of information and develops standards for increasing the efficiency and capabilities of each law enforcement agency that provides service to the Department of Defense.

Drug Recognition Expert Section
Provides a unique opportunity for those professionals already associated with drug recognition to share common management, training, administrative and practicing concerns.

Indian Country Law Enforcement Section
Promotes the professional status of those engaged in providing police services to Indian Country.

International Managers of Police Academy and College Training Section
Facilitates the exchange of ideas, procedures, and specific information for the professional leadership and management of education and training within police agencies, as well as enhancing the quality of law enforcement and policing at the international level through education and training.

Law Enforcement Information Management Section
Provides members with a forum in which to share information, best practices and lessons learned regarding state-of-the-art law enforcement information management, communications and interoperability, technology standards, and information sharing, analysis and fusion.

Legal Officers Section
Assists in the establishment of professional standards, assistance and cooperation among attorneys who provide legal advice or representation to law enforcement administrators.

Midsize Agencies Section
Provides a voice within the IACP for chiefs of jurisdictions with a population between 50,000 and 500,000, as well as a forum for these leaders to share the unique challenges and opportunities in policing that emerge from departments of this size.

Police Foundations Section
Promotes networking and the exchange of ideas and best practices among police executives and police foundation professionals.

Police Physicians Section
Facilitates the exchange of information among police medical practitioners, promotes effective police medical practices, and acts as a resource of professional expertise to the association..

Police Psychological Services Section
Develops professional standards, facilitates the exchange of information among police psychological service providers, and acts as a resource of professional expertise to the association.

Public Information Officers Section
Promotes the exchange of information and training among officers who are responsible for planning and implementing effective public information programs.

Public Transit Police Section
Promotes meaningful relationships between police executives and cooperative efforts in the implementation of effective police matters and the achievement of an accepted professional status of the police service. Includedin this section are gaming enforcement, public transportation, housing authority, airport police, seaport police and natural resources.

Railroad Police Section
Explores ways to improve the services of those responsible for ensuring the safety and security of people and goods traveling by rail.

Retired Chiefs of Police Section
Open to IACP members who at the time of their retirement were active members as prescribed in Article II, Section 2 of the IACP Constitution. For the purpose of this section, retirement shall be defined as the voluntary and honorable separation from a position in active and regular police duties because of age, physical disability, or retirement on pension from the agency of employment.

Smaller Department Section
Serves as the collective voice of law enforcement agencies with fewer than 50 officers or serves populations under 50,000.

State and Provincial Police Academy Directors Section
Membership is open to individuals currently serving as directors of state and provincial law enforcement training facilities. The section meets annually to exchange information and disseminate proven ideas, plans, and methodologies among members and other organizations interested in enhancing law enforcment training.

State and Provincial Police Planning Officers Section
Open to sworn and civilian members of planning and research units of state and provincial law enforcement agencies, this section meets in the summer of each year to share information concerning trends and practices in law enforcement. The section maintains a database of current projects in progress, as well as a compendium of information on the status of state and provincial law enforcement agencies.

State and Provincial Police Alumni Section
Open to any member or previous member of the IACP who is, or was, affiliated with an agency belonging to the State and Provincial Police Division and who was of command (lieutenant or above) rank at the time of retirement.

University/College Police Section
Provides coordinated assistance in implementing effective university policing practices and achieving an accepted professional status.