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HUD Tribal Consultation

 -   HUD Tribal Consultation Policy Plan of Action

Tribal Comments

Eastern/Woodlands Region

 -   Forest County Potawatomi Community

Southern Plains Region

 -   Cherokee HUD Consultation Letter - received January 29, 2010

Southwest Region

 -   Pueblo of Laguna Comments - received January 29, 2010 with the Comparison of HUD Pueblo of Laguna Consultation Policies
 -   Ysleta del Sur Comments - received January 29, 2010
 -   Navajo Nation Comments - received January 29, 2010
 -   Bishop Tribe Comments - received January 29, 2010
 -   Washoe Tribes Comments - received January 29, 2010
 -   Cocopah Consultation Response - received January 29, 2010

Northwest Region

Northern Plains Region

 -   Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Talking Points - received January 29, 2010
 -   Paul Iron Cloud - received January 29, 2010
 -   Oglala Tribe - received January 29, 2010

Alaska Region

 -   Asa'carsarmiut Tribal Council - received January 28, 2010
 -   Association of Alaska Housing Authorities (AAHA) - received January 28, 2010
 -   Ninilchik Letter - received January 28, 2010
